Auril, Goddess of Winter and Mountains in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Auril, Goddess of Winter and Mountains


Known as the Empress of Ice, Auril excludes her brilliance across our land. For her chosen, it is a blessing to be graced by her chill wind and crisp flakes of snow. To them, she epitomizes strength and beauty, and is worthy of deference.  


The worship of Auril is concentrated in the many mountain ranges across Terrania. Shrines to her lay up high in the mountains, and peppered along important routes through treacherous passes. Farmers often leave offerings in the hope of convincing her to be calm during the year and avoid early cold snaps which would be destructive to harvests. Travelers venturing through the mountains often leave offerings, or ask for safe passage with the help of her priests who reside in grand monasteries known as Crystal Citadels. For arcane study, those interested in learning more about the manipulation of ice and cold can study among her chosen (The Frostborne).  


Upon touching down on our plane, the powerful magic of Auril filled the world. Her ice and cold stretches all across Terrania. In response the other gods brought Chauntea in to act as a counter to the power of Auril. Eventually, the two deities agreed to share the world by splitting the year in two halves. During the Great Shattering, Auril's cold winds and snowfall slowed down the Condemned Gods progress, and Pantheon often relied on her Great Ice Crytal Sanctuaries for protection. In fact, Lathander physical body was encased in eternal frost maintained by Auril until he was able to be reborn.


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