Isabel Ravencrest Character in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Isabel Ravencrest

Founder of the Ravencrest Throne, and subsequently, Mother to The Kingdom of Pierce. She began her ascent after the death of her father, Germald Ravencrest. Knowing he was close to death, she had begun building her alliances and army in preparation for the coming succession conflict. She had two other brothers that were seen as possible successors to Germald. But, the quick thinking and equally quick actions, allowed her to sieze power almost immediately after Germald's last breath. With the The Black Vanguard swearing fealty to her, her brothers had no option but to acknowledge her as their leader. And in 1333, she was official sworn in as Queen of Ravenmount.    In the following years, she and her Black Vanguard conquered and annexed the surrounding lands; eventually adding Queen of Pierce to her titles in 1358.   Her ancestors would lead the Kingdom of Pierce until Gregor Ravencrest VII  was forced to abdicate as a result of the fallout from the The Setleth Conspiracy in 1742.
Isabel Ravencrest depicted in 1358 shortly after being crowned Queen of Pierce. 
Name: Isabel Rydelia Germald Ravencrest I
Titles: Queen of Ravenmount, Queen of Pierce, Mother of Pierce
Lifespan: 1301 AC - 1389 AC


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