The Setleth Conspiracy Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Setleth Conspiracy

The now infamous Conspiracy is undisputedly the most consequential event of modern day Primrose. Where did it begin? Well where much shady skullduggery does; in the dimly lit backrooms of Compact politics. This particular event got its start in the hallowed halls of the Maravian Kesslar Hall. The perpetrator of the conspiracy and our principal antagonist is Setleth Tzu-Mik .   In 1741 the Kingdom of Pierce was embroiled in civil strife. Its Ravencrest ruling house was in the process of fighting off multiple popular uprisings across its lands. And to top it all off, Reinhart had begun its invasion of the eastern lands. The key to Ravencrest survival was the Black Vanguard; but it needed money to keep their loyalty. As a result, Gregor Ravencrest VI came to Maravia asking for a substantial loan. Setleth, sensing an obvious opportunity, led negotiations. Knowing their tentative and dire situation, she sprung her trap, locking in a huge piece of collateral; the crown jewels and Pierce throne itself. With everything lined up, Setleth knew it was time for her to strike, and she did in one masterful fell swoop.   The first step was the assassination of the popular and esteemed Council Member Arden Rothsmoot. He had been a stalwart on the council, and Setleth’s largest hurdle to power. Not only did she murder him in coldblood, but using her profane powers, was able to take his form, and masquerade around Maravia as Arden. It is here that the famous Diero Marivald enters the story. Before the conspiracy, Diero was a simple smuggler working out of Perfume Bay. He and his crew (Aerwyen Galandol and Pelmenous Fortune ) got caught up in Setleth’s scheme. Posing as Arden, Setleth convinced the trio of a massive score; the theft of the Pierce Crown Jewels. Under the guise of an elaborate entrapment of the local thief's guild, Setleth was able to convince them of a safe and lucrative endeavor. But was only pulling the wool over their eyes, and instead double crossed the trio and (seemingly) blowing up the crown jewels, pinning the murder of Arden on them, AND entangling them in a massive web of conspiracy in Maravia concocted by Setleth herself.   Using her newly sealed absolute authority as Chief Minister, she began a purge of Maravian politics. Anyone not loyal to her was sent to the gallows, on suspicion of being an accessory to the Piercian Crown Jewel Heist and destruction. Even the @duke and his family were forced into Exile. But we now know the jewels were safe, and in Setleth’s possession the entire time. Without the collateral, Pierce defaulted on their loan, which Setleth used as a pretense to seize the throne, and oust the Ravencrest’s. She was the defacto supreme ruler of Maravia and Pierce. And she held it firm by paying for the Black Vanguards loyalty.   Setleth’s period of absolute rule was luckily, not meant to last. To the surprise of many, Diero Marivald returned to Primrose a few years later. He began assembling a cohort of individuals focused on bringing down Setleth. Over time, Diero built a sizable opposition to Setleth throughout the Compact.   This along with unravelling evidence about Ardens murder, gave the cohort the means necessary to begin walling in Setleth. The principal individuals who threw their support behind Diero were Rogar Hembroke, Commander of the Maravian House Guard, Maravian Council Member Tyressia Jugencroft, Elyss Buhr - Principal Head of the Finance and Banking Guild of Maravia, and 1st Admiral Elenria Nystald of the Maravian Navy. They along with support from the The Academy of Arcanium , The Diablerie , Pruessmont, Perfume Bay and Lugencroft gave the coalition all the allies they needed to make a move. And so they did, in late 1752, arresting Setleth in a quick and bloodless movement.   The trial of Setleth was a quick, uneventful ordeal. She offered no defense of her actions, and simply shrugged at the verdict of guilt. Due to her heightened grasp of the arcane well beyond the vast majority of folks, her confinement was handled by the Arcanium. To this day, nobody outside of a select few of high ranking Arcanium stewards know of Setleth location and status.   But the impact of her conspiracy lingers to this day. The ordeal severely frayed relations between Maravia and other members of the Compact. Those in Maravia felt the Compact cracked down on them too severely. Many individuals in Setleth’s orbit were sentenced to harsh punishments, even with the accusations and evidence of manipulation and coercion. As a result, the hardline anti-Compact West Wall faction won a major share of the political power in Maravia. And the Duke of Maravia (who was largely sidelined during the Conspiracy by Setleth and eventually exiled) returned to much fanfare, and immediately sided politically with the West Wall. He has been using “Us First” rhetoric in steering Maravia toward more independence from the Compact. The situation was further complicated by the fact Maravia chose not to forgive Pierce's debt, kept the throne, and thusly the Black Vanguard in tow. The future of the Compact, and peace in Primrose has never been more fragile.
Conflict Type
Political Debate


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