Kelemvor, God of Death in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Kelemvor, God of Death

The shepherd of nature death. We shall all one day meet Kelemvor, and he will lead our spirit out of this realm. For Kelemvor and his followers, there is nothing more sacred than the cycle of life. For that reason, devotees of Kelemvor and Lathander, God of Birth, Youth, Vitality and Renewal are steadfast allies. Their temples usually stand next to each other, sharing space for loved ones to wish their departed well. He also is entrusted with ensuring we folks depart when we are meant to. Personified, Lathander holds our hand, guiding us through life, and passes us off to Kelemvor as he guides us through death. The Priests (The Death Couriers) preach death is not to be feared, but to be embraced. It is not the end, but the necessary next step in the cycle. Under Kelemvor’s guidance, even in death we shall never be alone.


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