Kethswan The Great of Varangia
The Varangian Empire's founder and greatest ruler. Born in 958 to the Rathlandre house. Ascended to the Horthmert Throne in 970AC, causing the The Rathlandre Sucession War . He prevailed, and expanded the Horthmert-Varangia Kingdom. He then campaigned east, expanding his lands across the Hypermald mountains and onto the Veldhern Sea. While surpressing a uprising in Ryzanord, The Southern Varangia kingdoms invaded launching Kethswan's Great Glory . After prevailing in that conflict, Kethswan spent the remaining years adminstrating his emerging Empire. He advocated for universal education and enacted many laws moving toward equality and equity across the lands. He promoted outreach, helping establish diplomatic relations with not just Terranian Kingdoms, but opening trade with Umbregia through Jergencrest.