Princess Rosalina Cossette Alturia Character in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Princess Rosalina Cossette Alturia

Queen of Styressia Rosalina Cossette Elundra Merrick Alicia Of Alturia

Rosalina is considered one of Styressia's great leaders. her role in the Obscurring of the Terra Firma thrust her to prominence on the world stage and set in motion her ascent to the throne of Styressia.  


Rosalina was the only child of King Addo II and Queen Marisse Merick of Rounon. Both her father and mother died in a shipwreck when she was only nine years old. As such, it was decided a regency council under the authority of Baron Jorn Jaggerlunde of Artrossy would rule Styressia until Rosalina came of age at nineteen.   When the issue of the Treva Towers arose in Styressia, Rosalina deemed the "Soul of Styressia" was sent abroad to persuade Terrania of the threat the Towers posed. She was exceptional in this endeavor, often bringing crowds of people to tears with her passionate speeches. It was said, many in Terrania supported the initial invasion by Styressia, solely because of Rosalina's messages. She eventually became wrapped up in events during the Treva Tower War and Obscuring of the Terra Firma which eventually led her to being coronated Queen of Styressia in 1652 AC.   After the end of the crisis, she became a major influence in the region. Her rule helped usher in an unprecedented period of peace in Styressia and Heleninum. The Helhammer Pact resolved the Theva Tower issues, turning it into a symbol of Terrania cooperation. Entities around the world began calling upon her to mediate brewing controversies, as she was seen a paragon of peace and stability. Her death in 1719 AC was mourned in almost every city across Terrania.   She is also the Great Grandmother of Queen Brigitte Chalon II, of Toussaint and Grandmother of King Conrad I of Reinhart .


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