Obscurring of the Terra Firma Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Obscurring of the Terra Firma

Also known as the Theva Tower War, this was a conflict between Styressia and Heleninum . It ended up being a destructive time, where 3rd party agitators almost ushered in the end of both countries.  


In the 1640s AC, the city of Theva began construction on a massive tower that was capable of harnessing arcane energy, and when focused could shot a large, concentrated bolt of energy. The goal was the place the towers along the border with the The Agrios Agnosto , giving humanity an upper hand against the forces of chaos. But, both the The Academy of Arcanium and Kingdom of Styressia let all of Terrania know of their apprehensions towards the tower. The Arcanium worried about the masses of arcane energy being experimented on outside their observation and control. Early prototypes and tests had caused great destruction and death. Styressia's worries were about their defense. They feared the towers could be used against them if Heleninum decided to retake the Merloss gap. It was a vital strip of flat land between the Helhammer and Aahurs Mountains. Styressia had annexed the land after succeeding during the Velkslanda-Thesslion War in 1532 AC.   In 1647 AC under the leadership of the Regional Stratego Orion Ossia; the first successful test of the Theva Towers was conducted, and it immediately sent shock waves. The Arcanium petitioned Tyronopolis to allow the Academy to have full oversight of the project. Styressia sent their diplomats out to make their case about the existential threat the Towers posed. None was more important than the diplomatic tour Princess Rosalina Cossette Alturia conducted. She went to the courts of Trebiya, Port Au Massoin and Oberfallen to personally plead Styressia's case. She showed evidence that future plans showed Heleninum sought to build these towers close to Styressia's borders, even along the passes in the Helhammer Mountains and Aarhurs Mountains; places nowhere near the Agrios Agnosto. She also said Styressia had discovered battle plans of a future Heleniunum invasion of the Merloss Gap. On her last speech of the trip in Port Au Massoin, she finished with the assertion, that if Styressia had no alternatives, they would act, to ensure its sovereignty. And that the towers poised a threat to not only Styressia, but Heleninum and Terrania as well.  

The Theva Tower War

In 1649 AC, the day after Rosalina's final speech, Syressia launched an all-out invasion of eastern Heleninum. In the early stages Styressia quickly conquered the cities of Heranloniki and Thesslion. The Styressians then turned their attention to Theva, taking the city proper but the Heleninum defenders under Orion held the towers with a spirited defense. A relief column of Heleninum soldiers had reached the city and attempted to fight their way to the Tower. During a battle in the shadow of the tower, and massive explosion nearly toppled the tower. It was soon discovered Regional Strategos Orion Ossia had died in the blast. In the chaos and confusion, the remaining Heleninum forces decided to withdraw and retreat back to Tyronopolis. In the days that followed, both sides sought to exploit Orions death. Heleninum reported he sacrificed himself to save the tower, while Styressia reported he was trying to destroy the tower, but Heleninum soldiers killed him to prevent him from doing so.   The Styressians went on to take Memphsis and started the march towards Tyronopolis. At the same time, the Styressians also took the coastal cities of Halinarsis and Knosis, leaving Tyronopolis as the last major city in eastern Heleninum. The great Heleninum Hero Khristos Farstriker was given command of large Heleninum army and tasked with repelling the invaders. Khristos, although severely outnumbered, was able to push back the invaders on both the northern and southern fronts. He then took his army and pushed towards Memphsis. But his army was ambushed as they pushed through the Tyronopolis Mountain pass by an army under the leadership of the Eskronsa Legend; Prince Mychal Skallange . At the climax of the battle Mychal and Khristos dueled in spectacle for the ages; one that even caused a lull as many soldiers stopped fighting each other to watch the titans' cross blades. In the end, satisfied with the damage down, Mychal and his army withdrew from the battle. For the Heleninum army, the casualties were harsh enough, Khristos decided to end his campaign and return to Tyronopolis.   Khristos and the Tyronopolis Imperial Chamber decided it would be best to send him south to liberate Knosis and Halinarsis, hoping the pressure would delay the rugged defenses Styressia was building in and around Memphsis and Theva. In 1651 AC, Khristos retook both cities. While his soldiers were scouting the forests outside Halinarsis, they found a lone, bloodied young woman. Eventually, they discovered it was the Styressian Princess, Rosalina Alturia. Upon meeting Khristos, she revealed much about Styressia. She had been sent to Knosis and Halinarsis to convince the local populace of Heleninums brutality and the dangers of the Theva Towers. But by this point she had realized she was a pawn, being used by the Regency Council and its head Jorn Jaggerlunde. All the evidence she had been presenting around Terrania was falsified, and the justifications she had been given manufactured. She believed the regency council were aware of her reservations and subsequently arranged her death. While travelling back from Halinarsis to Eskronsa, her Council backed escort attacked her and her entourage. It was obvious they meant to assassinate her and pin it on Heleninum. She knew she had served her purpose and the regency council wanted her out of the picture to assert their control of Styressia. She asked Khristos to let her join him, and make haste towards Velkslanda, as she believed she could end the war by returning to the capital.   As they marched towards Eskronsa, they encountered detachments of Styressia solders. The Princess would ride out to them explain the situation, and what the regency council was doing. All soldiers immediately pledged themselves to her and joined Khristos army. Eventually, Khristos vanguard ran into Prince Mychal and his Sonne Brigade. The battle was short but intense. Once again, the climax saw another astonishing duel between Mychal and Khristos, during which Khristos used a daring move to wound Mychal. Upon seeing their leader fall, the Sonne Brigade moved in, pulling Mychal out of the battle and retreating north. A few days later Khristos received a letter from Mychal stating Eskronsa was surrender if Khristos promised to spare the city. Khristos realizing the gravity of the situation sent the Princess to the city to negotiate a surrender. The Eskronsans were shocked to see the Princess as the Regency Council had published an account of her murder at the hands of Heleninum. When they heard Rosalina's impassioned speech, they unanimously joined her cause. Soon after the Rosalina-Khristos forced set off towards Velkslanda.   On the way to Velkslanda, they received a dire message. The Styressia regency council and most of the Heleninum Imperial Chamber leadership including the Primigetis had perished. They had been leading their respective armies for a climactic battle on the plains around Memphisis. During an attempt at a parlay, a massive explosion of arcane energy wiped them out. Both countries were descending into chaos. Many claimants around Styressia and Heleninum, thinking all forms of leadership were dead, had started to build up their forces to push claims to power. Rosalina told Khristos she was sure a man named Willhem Schrunder was behind this incident. He was considered an expert in the arcane, and the regency council relied heavily on him for their information regarding the Theva Towers. When they took the Theva Tower he was put in charge. The explosion documented fit her knowledge of types of explosions the Theva Towers were capable of. It was now a race against time, as she knew Willhem would use Theva Towers to create more discord and destruction. When she arrived in Velkslanda, the remaining city leaders surprised to see her, immediately certified her coronation, making her Queen of Styressia. Her rightful return to the throne ended all claims throughout Styressia, and thus stabilized the country. Her first act as Queen was to sign a status quo peace with Heleninum, branding Willhelm an enemy of Terrania, and signing a joint commitment with Khristos to liberate Theva from the newly formed Neo-Welkanians.    

The Neo-Welkania Threat

In 1652 AC Khristos lead the Heleninum-Styressia joint force through the Merloss gap, towards Theva. On the way they were met by Prince Mychal and his Sonne Brigade. Prince Mychal offered to end this encounter through a duel, to spare the lives of their soldiers, which Khristos agreed to. During the battle, Khristos tried to reason with the Prince, but Mychal seemed dogmatically committed to fighting to the end. He demanded Khristos learn everything he could from this duel, as it would be necessary for what is to come. Eventually, Khristos bested the Price, striking him down. The Sonne Brigade whisked the princes body away, but before doing so, pledged their loyalty to Khristos. They said it was the last command Prince Mychal gave them.   The Princess joined Khristos force as they reached the outskirts of Theva. It was believed she could persuade any remnants of Styressian soldiers in Theva to surrender. But, it soon became apparent most of the defenders were Welkania loyalists. A fierce battle for the city began. During the early stages a massive bolt of arcane energy launched from the Theva Tower ripped through the city's walls, killing thousands of soldiers from both sides. Sensing urgency, Khristos and the Princess lead a valiant charge into the city, taking it and snuffing out the last pockets of resistance. They next turned their attention to the heavily defended Theva Tower. Khristos, his vanguard and the Sonne Brigade smashed through its defenses, securing the tower. Inside Khristos meet Willhelm, who lay dying from a massive wound. He said he did not regret what he done for his people. Welkania's revenge would be had, Velklanda would become rubble. It was soon learned a small detachment of soldiers was seen heading towards the Merloss gap. Khristos and the Sonne Brigade raced off the catch up with the detachment.   Khristos finally caught up to the detachment deep within the Merloss gap. The Detachment appeared to be Welkania Loyalists dragging a large apparatus housing a purple obsidian orb. As they rode close to engage the detachment, Khristos saw what looked like three Prince Mychals leading the brigade. The Sonne Brigade told Khristos this was the infernal work of Willhelm. He had created these simulacrums of the Prince thorough years of rigorous arcane experiments. They had bore witness to every battle the Prince had fought, and thus, mimicked his martial brilliance. Willhelm must have dreamed of creating an entire army of these simulacrums to carry out the revenge of Welkania. Khristos took on the simulacrums, while the Sonne Brigrade rushed forward to take possession of the large apparatus. Eventually, Khristos was able to destroy all three of the simulacrums, and the Sonne Brigade disabled the apparatus mere seconds before it was to launch an arcane bolt at the city of Merloss.  


The issue of the Theva Towers was resolved with the creation of the Helhammer pact. The Tower would be moved to the furthest expanse of the border with the Agrios Agnosto, and it would be jointly controlled by a committee made up a representative from Heleninum, Styressia and the Arcanium. Khristos was unanimously elected Primigentis of Heleninum in 1654 AC, and he and Queen Rosalina signed many declarations of cooperation and peace between Heleninum and Styressia that last to this day. Queen Rosalina also made the decision to absolve the region of Welkania of any role in the event. She proclaimed Willhem unilaterally responsible and therefore no punishments were handed down to the Welkanians.
Duration: 1647 AC to 1653 AC
1st Phase : Heleninum vs Styressia
2nd Phase: Heleninum & Styressia vs Neo Welkania Loyalists


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