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Session 13

General Summary

8th Day of Julista, 1762 AC

Having arrived back in Vexlorn, the party headed over to claim their bounty for the completed contract in Session 12 . There they found a sunbathing Savoy Reinkirk who emphasised the importance of keeping the body looking good. Besides advice on staying robust, Savoy had their coin, and their next potential contracts. After thinking about for a few seconds, they made the decision to take on hunting a feral beast. Savoy let them know they would meet their contact tomorrow. The party then ventured off to complete some personal tasks.   Sandro took the magical items to be identifed on the recommendation of Savoy, to the The Academy of Arcanium where an individual named Isabeau Forrester would handle the task. While on the way to meet Isabeau, Sandro became strangely and severely annoyed by a painting of a former Archprovost of the Vexlorn Academy; a Goliath named Titus. Isabeau turned out to be a reliable, but a wildly odd character, one that seemed to equally fascinate and bewilder Sandro.   Dirt focused on trying to collect as much info as he could regarding the "drow woman" that might be linked to Desmond. At the Marshall Rest Inn he meet Rory, a man that had been acosted by the Drow Woman about his dealings with Desmond. Dirt didnt learn much except Desmond was interested in Varangian land, and Primrose laws regarding the purchasing of land. Annoyed, Dirt set out stubbornly to find this drow woman, asking pretty much everyone he bumped into. All he learned was she had been seen in town. Eventually, he got a message asking him to arrive at a room the next night. Dirt also tried to gain access to the Sisters of Shadow within the Shar, Goddess of Darkness and Loss Sanctum. Much to the chagrin of Dirt, the priests there were annoyingly cryptic and advised Dirt to find "an offering to Shar" to gain access.   Balthazar meet up with Bartaz Morgenthau to learn what connections he had to the mysterious figure named Falstagg . From Bartaz, Balthazar learned Falstagg came to Perfume Bay and had sought to buy a Morgenthau heirloom; but left town shortly after. Bartaz said he had more info, but wanted something from Balthazar; for him to break into a Vogelreiter (rival family) warehouse and find information about a large ghost shipment that had moved through Vexlorn a week or so prior. Balthazar agreed, and snuck in later that night. In a ledger, he discovered the shipment was a massive cache of weapons and arcane components; incredibly illegal and dangerous. With this info, Bartaz explained further that the heirloom was connected to a historical figured name Krex Weiberknochen ; the False-Emperor. He theorized Falstagg might be interested due to Krex's rumored Necromancy. He also divulged Falstagg was working with a lady in black leather namedAnja ; who might be the same Anja the weapons cache was being run for.   The party regrouped back at the Marshall's Rest Inn, where they were eventually greeted by their soon-to-be contact; Purefoy Rygarth . He explained he was a "Bestinjaeger" and specialized in hunting large beasts. This beast just so happened to be a Werewolf. He explained a bit about the status of Werewolves in Terrania (that they must remain in Druidic Cloistures) and how this Rogier, had escaped, was feral and therefore a danger to the local community.    

9th Day of Julista, 1762 AC

  The party awoke the next day and headed into the Gralheim Wood to meet up with Purefoy and hunt the beast. The party eluded some traps and eventually was ambushed by bandits called the Bellicose Brigade, who claimed ownership of the land. The party refused to pay the extorsion fee and attacked the bandits. With Purefoy's help, they took down the bandits and apprehended one. According to him, there was no werewolf. The party assumed somebody would have heard something about a beast terrorizing the wood, but in fact, that didnt appear to be a reality. Purefoy insisted there was, and the party continued their hunt deeper into the wood. Eventually they came upon a cave where Purefoy stated Rogier must be hiding in. As Purefoy scouted ahead, the party meet and chatted with Rogier. He insisted he was not feral, and his freedom was "non-negociable". Any deaths he caused were in self defense, he would never return to the druid cloistures. He begged the party to see reason, and turn on Purefoy. The party, still unsure what to do, headed into the cave with Purefoy.   Inside, they found Rogier, in Werewolf form, which proved he was indeed, not feral. Purefoy insisted they must catch him to prevent bloodshed. Rogier pleaded with the party to help him maintain his freedom, something that was deeply personal for Dirt. Sandro attempted to manufacture a diplomatic summit for the matter, but a blinding flash ended that attempt. When the flash subsided, the party found Rogier subdued, and Purefoy in Werewolf form, supported by two previously unseen hired blades. He advised the party to walk away and take the money. Dirt, absolute in his belief of freedom for all, attacked Purefoy with the intention of freeing Rogier. The party eventually struck down Purefoy, released Rogier, and sent the hired blades running. Rogier insisted he be allowed to kill Purefoy, which the party denied. Sandro, using his own precarious situation invoking the complicated status of his soul, was able to convince Rogier to walk away, which he did. The party decided to haul the unconsious Purefoy in Werewolf form back to Vexlorn to see what Savoy would suggest. It is unclear if the party "100% success rate" is still true.
Report Date
02 Oct 2023


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