Silvanus, God of Wild Nature and the Hunt in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Silvanus, God of Wild Nature and the Hunt


He is the champion for any folk that shun urban life and find meaning in nature.    


For many the worship of Silvanus focuses on hunting. Those wishing to enter the domain's of Mielikki to pursue the art of the hunt often erect shrines of the god and bring offerings to them for his blessing and boon. For those seeking a much stronger commitment to Silvanus, there are the many druidic cloisters nestled deep within the forest, jungles and grasslands of nature. harmony  


Silvanus is not one of the inheritors of the Eternal. Instead, he is the first ascendant. Mielikki was impressed with Silvanus's commitment to protecting his domain, and therefore defied him and granted him the divine task of caretaking the creatures that inhabited the gods sacred forests and jungles. Since those creatures are so important to the cycle of life, the folks on Terrania began to worship Silvanus directly. This grew his power and influence beyond Mielikki's. Jealous, Mielikki, responded by closing off his forest and jungles in the hopes of cutting off Silvanus's growing divine spirit. Instead of responding with anger, Silvanus wept. He had no intention of replacing Mielikki. His rationale was that the humans of Terrania were creatures similar to beasts of the glades and arbor stretches, and he was merely sheparding and protecting them as Mieklikki had advised him to do. It took a while, but Mielikki eventually relented, and reopened his domain to humans. In thanks, Silvanus promised he would focus his efforts on helping maintain a balance and ensure Mielikki's domain was never threatened.


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