The Builders Organization in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Builders

The Builders are a sect of Gond, God of Craft  worship, that has drifted away from a religious institution to one involved in politics. It started as a fraternity of craftfolks, who began seeing Gond as not only the builder of useful objects, but the builder of society, government, countries and civilization as a whole. They believe in emulating Gond the Builder, and to build the foundation of society in his image, so folks can focus solely on the unrestrained pursuit of progress, development, nation building, and industrialization.   The integrity and prestige of the organization took a major hit after the extremism shown during The Hammer and Anvil Affair . For a time, The Builders withdrew from society, but in the last century have resurfaced. Their headquarters has moved around many times, but since 1704 AC, has been Doppendunk, Reinhart. King Conrad I of Reinhart has long been considered a patron for the group and rumored to be an adherent to the philosophies of Builder Gond.
Founded: 1314 AC
Headquarters: Doppendunk, Reinhart
Deity: Gond (Builder)
Leader: Commander Gerhart Poldmire


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