Gond, God of Creation, Craft and Terrain in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Gond, God of Creation, Craft and Terrain


As the embodiment of Creation and Craft, Gond is a fixture in humanities Pantheon as humans are very much defined by their ability to create and use tools. Therefore, he is ever-present in society, down to the lowly amateur creating a toy horse for their children up to the great engineers designing a grand palace.  


Anyone wielding a tool of creation looks to Gond for guidance. Through him every cut is straight, every hammer precise, every chip with a chisel closer to perfection. Shrines to Gond can be found in every trades and crafts quarter. His temples, known as Foundries; are massive citadels built to withstand the worst disasters nature can offer. Within a Foundry, the Ironarms offer scholarship and education. Many enter their halls with the hopes of learning the basics of craftsmanship, engineering, drafting and design. They provide the tools of craftmanship, manpower of public works project, and consult local government on the planning of new settlements. However, most Gond followers do not stay within the Foundry, as according to the gospel of Gond, his devotees should spend their time in the world, creating and building for the betterment of society. His worship is deeply important to the resource extraction as well. The massive mines and quarries throughout Terrania are filled with mementos to him as he was the one to place the materials within his mountains, and with his guidance, found.   A sect of Gond worship arose known as The Builders . They moved away from the spiritual craftmanship associated with traditional Gond worship, and developed a philosophical and political ideology. Because of the fallout from The Hammer and Anvil Affair the popularity wanned. But, in recent years there has been a rebirth, especially in the land of Reinhart .  


Gond the creator, using the advice of Savras, built our material world. He also built the first tribe of humans which they all descend from. It is why humans are filled with the inherent desire to create, craft and build, passed onto them by their creator. But, with the power of humans causing issues for the other gods domains, Gond was also responsible for creating the limits on humanity. Using Mystra's magic, he created Helm , Tyr , Baal Talona , Tymora and Tempus to imped the wild nature of humanity. He also ascended Kelemvor, the first human to ruler of Death, to prevent the unending spread of humans across the land. During the Great Shattering, Gond was able to create weapons of great power, specifically to strike down the Condemned Gods.


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