The Chaminade Empire Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Chaminade Empire

Former Empire existing within what would become the Toussaint . Lasted from about 175 AC to 720 AC.   Fought the The Alessian Empire during the 200 The Great Sufference. In the century after experienced major strife and internal conflict. It was official ended in 720 AC after the sacking of its capital Callaird. The Royal Family was mostly killed or lost during the sacking. The city was slow to rebuild itself and remained an insignificant entity until being absorbed into Petty King Henri I of Angoux's kingdom in 879 AC.    Toussaint scholars lead a renewed interest in the former Empire in the mid 1600s AC. Sponsored excavations of ruins and still standing Chaminade structures become popular uses of coin by Toussaints noble houses. It's through the research on Chaminade documents and artifacts, that the interest in The Alessian Empire spawned.


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