Toussaint Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Contemporary Toussaint is the crossroads of Empires. Since it shares a border with seven of the major political entities of Terrania, Toussaint has become an incredibly important diplomatic force, often acting as a liaison between competing interests. This is helped by the current Queen of Toussaint, the incredibly popular and beloved Queen Brigitte Chalon II, of Toussaint.      


Toussaint has been since its inception an absolute monarchy. The rulers of this land all can trace their lineage back to the founder of their Kingdom, Henri I. But in recent times, the King or Queens of Toussaint have relied on more and more on their Court of Ministers for advice and consulting. These are a esteemed nobles from the various families in control of the cities and regions of Toussaint. There are not set numbers of ministers, but instead, consist of those invited by the King or Queen themselves. The current Queen, Brigitte Chalon II, of Toussaint sent shock waves as she invited merchants and common people to join her court. She explained the rational as being she wanted to be more in the loop of the goings-on of all of Toussaint. Toussaint is also the crossroads of Empires. Since it shares a border with seven of the major political entities of Terrania, Toussaint has become an incredibly important diplomatic force, often acting as a liaison between competing interests. This is helped by the current Queens popularity in not only Toussaint but around Terrania.


The Kingdom of Toussaint has long been known as the breadbasket of Terrania. Nestled between three mountain ranges and the Medialulem Sea, the mild climate, and rich soil in the river lands let Toussaint become the agricultural force it still is. Butter, Cheese, Wine, Mead, Livestock; all the best can be found here. As a result, the worshipping of Chauntea, Goddess of Agriculture, Summer and Spring is a huge ordeal in Toussaint. Massive festivals devoted to sharing the enjoying the boon given to us by her blessing. The cities of Toussaint are a connoisseur of cuisines paradise. The best of the best is easily found and sampled. In the recent decades, Toussaint began to focus on manufacturing and trade. Bassoint, Bordeloux and Reynault become hubs for commercial development. Linked to the resource rich lands of Ankerya, Toussaint specialized in turning raw material into sought after, and high-quality products. As such Toussaint has become the center of all things haute-coutour. So many Architectual, fashion and art trends had their start in the cities of Toussaint.   Toussaint has also had a historically long fascination with the Arcane. Rumors abound that House Chalon is a line of sorcerers dating back to times of the The Chaminade Empire and their pursuit of the arcane caused the cataclysm. Unsubstantiated, of course, yet interesting to theorize, nonetheless. In light of the collapse of Varangia, (as mentioned before) The Academy of Arcanium headquarters moved to Bordeloux, which has quickly become the heart of Terranian study of the Arcane.  


The Kingdom of Toussaint was birthed from the smoldering ruins of the The Chaminade Empire. Since the formal collapse of Chaminade in around 720AC, the lands of Toussaint descended into patchwork of petty, warring Kingdoms. In 875 AC, the Petty King Henri of Angoux set forth to pacify the lands between the Siena and Carpet Rivers. In 903 Henri succeeded in taking the last bastion of resistance in Dijoneux. Upon returning to Angoux, Henri of Angoux was proclaimed King of Toussaint, and thus began the Kingdoms first royal house; The Morgineau. In 1017 King Henri III negotiated a marriage between his son and heir: Bernard I, to the Troleans king's only daughter. And soon Troleans and its domain were added to the Kingdom. This became a blueprint for Toussaint royal families, you seemingly had a never-ending supply of princes and princesses to marry off. Bassoint and Massoin were eventually inherited by Henri III descendants; one of which, Bernard III, began the cadet branch of Morgineau, House Remarquis's control of Toussaint.   But in 1397, the Death of Queen Louisa II, ended the Remarquis line, as she had no legitimate heirs. Thus began the Toussaint War of the Crests . With the crown secured, Louie I began Toussaint and House Chalon's ascent to power. In 1451, Louie successful conquered the tip of the Bordeloux peninsula, securing Reynault from the Knosis-Halinarsis Heleninum faction. Louie II continued his conquests by taking Symera and its island during the The War of Symera and conquering the island Kingdom of Rhedes in 1472 AC.   In 1498AC a ravenous event erupted deep with the Darnelles Forest known as The Great Cataclysm of the Darnelles . A growing concentrated darkness enveloped the land and from it hordes of the Abyssal streamed in. Angoux was lost and much of the central plain around the forest was consumed. The King at the time Henri IV of Chalon relocated the royal court from the precariously positioned city of Troleans on the outskirts of the Darnelles, north to Port Au Mossoin along the Bay of Mossoin. Toussaint forces in the north were eventually able to stem the tide and reclaim a lot of the central plain. But, what is left of the Darnelles Forest has been left to the darkness, and with it much of the Southern Reyneux plain up against the Seynoux Mountains.   From 1604 to 1647 AC, Toussaint was embroiled in three major confrontations with the The Kingdom of Anstultz . The first two ended in relative stalemates, but the last one, from 1638-1647 AC, ended with King Henri VI's breaching Ostvallen's walls forcing Anstultz capitulation. Toussaint annexed the region of Arsonn and its main city Kabritz. But during this period, the hordes from the Darnelles rushed out once again in terrible fashion. The loss of Angoux in 1625 AC is by far darkest day in Toussaint history.   In 1727 AC. Toussaint and Ankerya almost came to blows over the sovereignty of the Iridian Strip. This was a stretch of land running from the Altus Mountains to the coast of Kings Bay. Both entities considered the land vital for economic and defensive reason. The crown of Toussaint had long worried about build up of Ankerya's navy in the Kings Bay and its growing settlements near the strip. In the event of conflict with Ankerya, from this position, the Ankerya navy could quickly blockade Bassoint, and quickly surround the city by moving an army through the strip. Toussaint had always suspected Ankerya would one day attempt to retake Symera and its island back after the The War of Symera centuries before. But war was averted with a last minute with the signing of the Treaty of Eucilida .   In 1759 friction between Toussaint and the newly emerging Reinhart Empire was brewing. Queen Brigitte Chalon II, of Toussaint seeing the writing on the wall; negotiated a compromise. The Treaty of Lyonees was signed in 1760, ensuring peace between the two nations.
Title: The Kingdom of Toussaint
Founded: 903 AC
Captial: Port Au Massoin
Ruler: Queen Brigitte Chalon II, of Toussaint
Included Organizations


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