The Foretoken Syndicate Organization in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Foretoken Syndicate

The Foretoken (aka the Silvercloaks) are an organization based in Terrania that specialize in the anti-arcane. They seek to negate the impact and power of the arcane and ultimately, cease its existence in our world.  

Structure and Goals

The Foretoken are a segmented into chapters that set up in many of the regional's capital cities. From there they carry out their anti-arcane stratagem. Most commonly, Foretoken Acolytes will be contracted to provide anti-arcane protection and observation for important meetings or undertakings. Their services are incredibly expenses to purchase, therefore the services are often reserved for high level government summits, legal proceedings and influential guild negotiations. Their purpose in these situations is to ensure no magical shenanigans unfairly influence any parties. As result, these services are in high demand.   Another undertaking the Foretokens accept is the hunting down of rogue and out of control arcane talented fugitives. This is a pursuit many Silvercloaks revel in and therefore, many chapters will charitably take on these contracts for free. They have no mercy for rogue arcanists and offer no quarter during these pursuits. Destruction is the only acceptable outcome.   The last function is the tracking of, and ultimately destruction of magical items. The Syndicates denotes any item with a magical aura a potential threat, and ruthlessly seeks out items in the wild to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. This often brings them into indirect conflict with the The Academy of Arcanium .   The Syndicate, reliant on the funding from the governments and guilds in Terrania, strictly adheres to the laws of the land, and runs hard up against the edges of their lawful jurisdiction. They often have to push through local bureaucracies to obtain the means for their schemes and goals. Their deep coffers are usually enough to persuade the magistrates to fall in line with their desires.
Founding Date
1148 AC
Alternative Names
The Silvercloaks


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