The Great Cataclysm of the Darnelles in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Great Cataclysm of the Darnelles

In 1498, late in the evening, a massive firestorm erupted from deep within the Darnelles Forest, along the Reyneux Plain of central Toussaint. A massive, concentrated darkness began consuming the land, and from within that darkness poured in hordes of abyssal nightmares. The hordes sallied out and began pillaging all settlements within their grasp, but then slowly retract back into the darkness surround the Darnelles. Those living in the plains lived in constant fear of major abyssal raiding parties.   There have been many massive sortees by huge armies of Abyssal through history. The first major one was in 1499; a massive horde led by the archdemon by the name of Kurgarth the Sullier. The horde rampaged south towards the city of Roussignon. All the undefended villages and towns were razed and ravaged. A makeshift defensive army under Lord Rouen Reoncoeur was assembled and reached the walls of Roussignon in time to fortify the city as the horde closed in. The Toussaints fought a hellish battle but was eventually able to stem the tide of the horde. A Helm Cleric named Lucretcia Lornheart and her entourage was particularly famous in helping hold multiple breeches in the cities wall. And it was her that advised Lord Rouen to head South as the Horde will look for more settlements to plunder. But Lord Rouen took the advice of his Chamberlin to push North and cutoff the Horde that he believed would retreat to the Darnelles. A disappointed Lucretcia took her entourage and rode South. And for good measure as she was correct, the remains of Kurgarth's horde were ravaging southward towards the Raylance Pass. She and her entourage were able to maneuver themselves in front of the horde, using the pass as a choke point. Lucretcia soon came to discover many of the survivors from across the south had moved into the pass, using it as shelter. She sent a runner to find Lord Rouen and although her entourage only numbered 17, endeavored to hold position. Over the next three days Kurgarth sent wave after wave of abyssal horrors at Lucretcia, but even as her entire entourage perished, she held them back. As the fourth day closed, she was completely spent, but off in the distance Lord Rouen's army could be seen. In a panic Kurgarth recklessly charged Lucretcia, who slew him after a devastating battle. As the remnants of the horde began trying to push their way past, Lucretcia, slowly succumbing to her wounds, choose sacrifice. In an instance, she ignited herself in blinding holy light, which enveloped much of the remaining horde. When Lord Rouen arrived at the site of her stand, the only thing left of Lucretcia was a solitary leather glove, with an embroidered shape of an eye.     The next major wave happened in 1554 AC and was led by another Archdemon named Zygrezak. His hordes pushed out on all sides, completely overwhelming Toussaints fortifications. A northern spear head reached the outer limits of the Captial at the time, Troleans but was thwarted and repulsed by a valiant last stand along the Boudion's Ridge; and soon after the wave retreated back into the forest.   Another major wave flowed out from the Darnelles in 1622 AC. The bulk of the Toussaint army was caught up in the 2nd Tousaint-Anstultz War. As a result, the undermanned defenses were once again overwhelmed. This time, the massive, and important strategic city on the Reynaux plain, Angoux fell after a prolonged siege by Demonic forces. But the heroics of the The Sisters of St Lucretcia in Angoux, led to the crumbling of the main horde; ending the threat to Southern Toussaint. But this time, the remnants of the horde did not retreat back into the forest. Instead they stayed in the city, and have used the defiled land as a base from which to strike around the Reyneux plain.   In the years following the fall of Angoux, the Abyssal threat has lessened somewhat. Toussaint in the North have been able to reclaim and rebuild large sections of the plain previous ravaged. Massive fortifications have been built to prevent and horde from leaving the confines of the Darnelles Forest. But the threat is still apparent in the South. Makeshift fortifications have been insufficient at stopping abyssal raiding parties from striking the borderlands. The sacking of Angolume in 1730 AC was the last Toussaint settlement lost to the wasteland.   The court at Port Au Mossion still remains the de jure power in the south but has not been able to provide much support for the south's struggle. Therefore, the cities of Chavonlisse and Roussignon, along with the Sisters, stand together against the horde.


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