The Heart and Eye of Mielikki Item in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Heart and Eye of Mielikki

Two artifacts vitally important to religious ceremonies devoted to the worship of Mielikki, Goddess of Forests . The artifacts: the Eye and Heart are thought to be refined, magically imbued pieces of Petrified Wood, said to have been formed during the creation of our world. The objects individually don't create much power, but combined, are said to fill the holder with the god power of Mielikki.   The Eye supposedly carries within a window into the domain of Mielikki; The Green Paradise. The most faithful are able to peer inside and see the image they should emulate in our world.
  The Heart supposedly facilities massive growths of Mielikki. The Heart is placed on the ground during rituals, and it helps spur untethered wild growth. Used during the creation of worshipping spaces.


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