The Rampage of the False-Emperor Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Rampage of the False-Emperor


War between the precursors of the Primrose Compact and Krex Weiberknochen loyalists, lasting from 1412-1425. Ended after Krex's defeat and slaying within his fortified bastion in Maravia. Helped galvanize the region into creating a formal entity for joint co-operation that eventually became the Primrose Compact.  

The Conflict

Krex was a warlord who rose to a position of power in what is now know as the Duchy of Klaraburg. From here, he and his soldiers conquered the lands around the duchy from the Oberputz to Verdmount rivers. It was around this time Krex began proclaiming he was the last surviving member of the fabled Septimus-Drusus Alessian Imperial line. From then on he sought to reunify the Alessian Empire and have it be born anew under his control.    Maraviainhabitants   Sensing the threat Krex poised in the region, the southern cities of Primrose organized a resistance. Backed with support from Toussaint and Varangia, the united armies began liberating Krex's conquests. In 1420 AC, the Primrosians and their allies defeated Krex's horde at the Battle of Bern, outside the city of Kesselburg, the one-time capital of The Alessian Empire. The following years, the Allied army campaigned through the Duchy of Klaraburg, fully liberating it in 1422 AC. This success helped usher in the founding of the Primrose Compact.In 1423 AC the fortified cities of Polzmeir and Metz were taken, leaving the road to Maravia open.     The Siege of Maravia was a long and ardoise, taking nearly a year. But the Primrosians persevered, storming the last bastion of Krex's defense and slaying the false-emperor in 1425 AC.
Duration: 1412 - 1425
Location: Primrose
  Belligerents: Krex Weiberknochen & The Allied Primrosian Army, with Varangian and Toussaint Auxiliaries
  Result: Krex's defeat; formation of the Primrose Compact


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