Primrose Geographic Location in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The Primrose Compact was formally ratified in the year 1422AC; amidst the region's most dire period; the wrath brought by the false-emperor; Krex. It is effectively; a loose confederation of city-states and regional duchies; without a central governing body. Instead; internal schemes and issues are devised and litigated in various Compact Regional Committees; housed in the three most influential cities; Maravia, Lugencroft and Perfume Bay.  

Members of the Compact:

Perfume Bay
  Most smaller cities fall under the jurisdiction of members (ie: Platzburg = Walderstein, Triertz = Maravia)  


Nestled on a thin strip of land up against the Seynoux Mountains and Reinhart Sea, Primrose has been blessed by the gods with an immaculate climate. Warm summers, and calm, mild winters have resulted in a very comfortable and livable land. Some do complain about the rain, but without it, we would not have the dense forests, and enriched farmland that has made Primrose the paradise it is. The rain is simply a byproduct of location. Large rain clouds are created in the Reinhart Sea. As coastal winds blow hard and fast, north by northwest they are pushed on top of Primrose. As the clouds meet the Seynoux Mountains, they empty their compartments to our betterment.   In the summer, the Primrose coast can be battered by harsh storms of Talos. Violent winds and heavy lightning have been known to do much damage. If you hear Talos roar, make sure to find a safe place, and make an offering… or two.  


Primrose’s terrain is defined by three key features: the snow capped peaks of the Seynoux Mountains, giving way to the riverlands that make up the bulk of the landmass, and the coast which all the rivers empty into.   The Seynoux mountains act as the natural border between Primrose and Toussaint. Rugged, and inhospitable, very few folks journey through. In the recent century, the developments in sea travel have made the routes through the passes of Seynoux redundant. South from the mountains, you enter the Seynoux foothills. These are covered by dense pine forests and dotted with picturesque lakes. Renowned for its natural beauty, these lands have been kept relatively undeveloped. It is here many of Primrose's important rivers spring to life.   Continuing south you enter the Primrose riverlands. The many rivers rushing through have defined how Primrose has developed. They have for the most part been very predictable and calm, leading to them becoming vital conduits for travel. On the far west, the Brunn (which runs through Tressfallen, Vandermmeir, Walderstein and Platzburg) creates the border between Primrose and Varangia. The Bonfrau, Koln, Wuhrmount, Verdmount, Oberputz and Runstad are important central rivers, connecting many of the most important cities in Primrose to the coast. The Krathswallen to the Northeast creates the border between Primrose and Pierce.    


Overall, the Compact mostly aligns with the demographics of Terrania. The largest population is Humans, with the 2nd largest group being Half-Elfs, Tieflings and Half-Orcs. The largest non-humanoid group would be the dwarves and elves originally from Western Umbregia. This is a result of Primroses long historical trade connections with Umbregia. Gnomes, Half-lings, Orcs and Dragonborn round out the next largest groups. The smallest groups in the latest census have been other half-humanoids like Aasimars, Kalashtars, and Genasi.There have also been a few registrations of Lizardfolk, Goliaths, and Firbolgs, although it is incredibly rare to see them in day-to-day life. Beyond official registration, there have been sightings or rumors of other intelligent beings from beyond Terrania & Umbregia, but are insignificant and hearsay until confirmed officially.  


Without a central governing authority; each member within the Compact has full autonomy within its borders. The Compact only comes into play if there is a violation of a member's sovereignty or internal interests. If that happens; the parties will be summoned to a Compact Committee; oversaw and run by neutral arbiters; selected internally by Compact level Guilds for their corresponding field of expertise (ie; Lawyers for Law, Merchants for Trade). There are Houses of Committees in Primrose located in Perfume Bay, Maravia and Lugencroft. While each house can host committees regarding any aspect of governing, each location usually defaults to a particular category. Economic Disputes are handled in Perfume Bay, Regional or Diplomatic disputes in Lugencroft, and Law focused or Intra-Compact Sovereignty disputes are handled in Maravia.   For anything international, Compact Wide Conferences shall be called. The leaders of every member of the Compact will convene to discuss and resolve any issue outside of The Compact that threatens its independence or stability. The last Conference was held at the Grand Palace of Walderstein, and was about the ongoing troubles in Eastern Varangia. The Compact endeavored to continue its neutrality; but could not agree to a funding package to help the Three Sisters Cities (Halverheim, Vandermeir and Waldenstein) deal with the growing refugee build up in and around their city centers.  


The Compact does not possess a standing army. In fact; most members of the Compact do not have an army at all, instead relying on house guards for internal law keeping. There are three exemptions; Lugencroft, Maravia and Perfume Bay. Both Lugencroft and Maravia negotiated keeping their armies as part of their initiation into the Compact. It was argued their armies were necessary for keeping each other internally in check, as well as being a buffer to the Compacts two most aggressive neighbors (Toussaint to the north, Pierce to the Northeast). Perfume Bay meanwhile; in lieu of a standing army possesses a massive navy, and is responsible for protecting the Compacts coast and ocean based trade routes.   Without standing armies; Cities and Duchies rely on Mercenary Companies to handle issues outside their city walls. The companies mostly conduct anti-banditry and anti-piracy campaigns, but can also be hired for internal struggles, and small scale regional conflicts (if sanctioned or unresolved by the Compact). In practice, companies can clash with one another in proxy disputes between nobles, merchant companies or political entities.   If the Compact is invaded, they can invoke article 12 of the Compact Bylaw. This would effectively conscript all sanctioned mercenary companies into the Compact Uber Legion, which would fall under the command of the elected Supreme Commander (Usually a high profile Mercenary Commander, or Noble person from Lugencroft of Maravia). This article was only invoked once, during the Krex conflict immediately after its certification.  


Primrose thrives on trade. As a crossroads between Umbregia, Varangia, Toussaint and Reinhart, the cities have learned to exploit their abundant natural resources, and leverage them into wealth. Each region has been able to somewhat specialize in an industry, which has facilitated and encouraged cooperation within the Compact, as well as incentivizes collective trade externally. Maravia has long been a hub of some of the best Linen, Timber, while Lugencroft has turned their abundant ore rich mines into highly sought after tools, building materials and armament. Vexlorn is said to craft the finest wines outside of Toussaint, whereas the most luxurious and exotic goods can be found in the ports of Perfume Bay.   Perfume Bay especially is the economic heart of Primrose. All east-west Terranian trade goes through the port of Perfume Bay. And pretty much all trade from western Umbregia makes its first stop here. The tariffs are very low, and the city is home to some of the continent's best shipwrights (outside of Taegyu), most prestigious banks, most honorable insurers and the sailors themselves love to indulge in the tantalizing, and comforting offerings housed within the city.   The pursuit of currency is a defining characteristic of the Compact Fortunes are made and lost on a whim, and guild cloak and dagger rivalry is at the heart of almost every conflict or dispute within the land.


  • Primrose; 1762 AC
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