The War of Symera Military Conflict in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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The War of Symera

Was a war between Toussaint led by King Louie II and the alliance of Tunesta and Leblya from 1460 to 1465 AC. Using uncovered evidence of Tunesta sanctioning the piracy of Toussaint merchant ships, Louie II launched an invasion of Symera. In recent times, scholars have concluded the documents were probably fabricated. Regardless, Toussaint and the Ankeryan cities fought on land and sea until Louie's army was finally able to capture Symera in 1464. Peace was concluded as the Toussaint main fleet won major navy engagement outside of Leblyla leaving it defenseless. Toussaint annexed the island and forced both cities to pay huge indemnitees. In light of the crushing defeat, the cities of Ankerya banded together to form the Ankeryan Confederacy, to ensure the sovereignty of each city from outside threat.


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