Tymora, Goddess of Good & Mis- fortune in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Tymora, Goddess of Good & Mis- fortune


Without a doubt, Tymora is the most beloved, and equally most cursed of the pantheon. She can take you to great highs, and just as quick, sink you to the depths of despair.  


Whether it be games of chance, or simply leaps of faith, folks seek her favor. Her followers (The Seredipitians) remind folks, to win her favor is to live life on a razor's edge, to risk it all, for it is seen as fully submitting yourself to her will. As a result, the faithful of Tymora and Savras do not … see eye-to-eye. Random chance clouds the ultimate path, veils destiny, and distracts people from seeing the signs.  


  Tymora was sparked into existence by humanity itself. The first tribe of humans placed upon Terranian had immense power, and through their wills, Tymora was created. Many called out for a blessing of favor, whether it be in hunting, a game of chance or battle. Through this calling, Tymora manifested to answer the pleas. However, since she could not respond to ever beckon and call, many began to curse her for abandoning them. As a result, the aspect of misfortune grew with her. Since misfortune was just as powerful Tymora's body shared the two entities.   Tymora was eventually discovered by Lliira, Goddess of Joy . They immediately bonded deeply as both shared a devotion to the feelings of exuberance and exhilaration. However, the aspect of Misfortune within Tymora caused great strain to their relationship eventually forcing a separation. Tymora subsequently walked the material plane with Misfortune in complete control, as the aspect of Good Fortune slumbered deep within Tymora. Lliira subsequently feel into dispair and greatly wept at the loss of her beloved. Eventually the her tears attracted the goddess Shar, Goddess of Darkness and Loss who begain consoling Llira. Through Shar's lessons, Lliira was able to guide Tymora back to her side; which helped bring balance to Tymora.   During the Great Shattering, the power of Misfortune grew significantly within Tymora and threatened to completely consume her. Distraught, Lliira asked Mystra, Goddess of Magic and Cosmic Balance to solve the issue. Mystra reluctantly did by severing Misfortune from Tymora. This unfortunately allowed that aspect of Tymora to join the Condemned Gods in their war against the Pantheon. It also robbed Tymora of all her power, leaving her comatose. She was encased in permafrost by Auril alongside Lathander. At the end of the conflict, Misfortune was returned to Tymora, which brought her back to life. However, the severing intensified the power of Misfortune, and Tymora spends much of her time trying to suppress it.  


Tymora is represented by the Rose of Tymora. The inner soft, delicate wine red petals symbolize the grace and beauty of good fortune, while the rough, spiny outer purple husk represents the prickly nature of misfortune. Overall, the rose symbolizes the duality of Tymora, as Good and Mis Fortune is defined by the existence of the other. Without the other, it could not exist, much like the Rose.


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