Lliira, Goddess of Joy in Terrania and Umbregia | World Anvil
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Lliira, Goddess of Joy


For many, the feeling of bliss is the greatest feeling humanity will ever experience. Therefore, Lliira is an important diety within the Pantheon. Regardless of background, lot in life or position on the continent, Terranian will often look to the goddess to fill their hearts with joy.  


The image of Lliira is ubiquitous in Terranian society. You'd be hard pressed not to find some type of her imagery in every Terranian home. Many wake up in the morning hoping for her blessing to fill them with the energy to make it through the day. For anyone entertaining, there is no better favor to have than Lliira’s. Those in the service industry always leave offerings to her in the hope her joy will fill their events. Most cities and towns will consult and work with The Joybringers; the priests of The Temple of Joy; to plan and carry out various festivals and celebrations. While many may think the Joybringers are dedicated to pacifism, this is nowhere close to the truth. The devotees to Lliira abhor any ideology that curtails or destroys the inherit joy of good existence. The Paladins and Clerics of The Temple of Joy move through the world seeking out evil so its misery and despair can be snuffed out. Since the Joybringers are so involved in all levels of society, their eyes and ears collect a varied amount of information. The Merrimores are an incredibly powerful and influential wing of the Temple of Joy which focuses on espionage and counterintelligence.  


Lliira; along with her brother Milil, God of Poetry and Song; is the offspring of Sune, Goddess of Peace, Love, and Beauty and Lathander, The Sun God of Birth, Youth, Vitality and Renewal born into the plane of existence through the creative energy sparked by their passionate relationship. It is said Sune and Lathander love filled both with such bliss, they wanted to share that will the entire world. Lliira manifested into existence with the goal of bringing that feeling to the world.   Lliira was the goddess that discovered Tymora, Goddess of Good & Mis- fortune . They immediately began an intense relationship as the two shared a profound connection of the feelings of bliss and ecstasy. However, the duality of Tymora and her alterself; Misfortune, caused a separation. The event nearly destroyed Lliira's existence, but it was Shar, Goddess of Darkness and Loss who ended up consoling and saving the goddess. Through Shar's guidance Lliira learned that loss is not an absolute ending, but an opportunity to learn the value of what you have in a moment, and that the loss of one thing does not mean the loss of all. With this understanding, Lliira stabilized her existence, until Tymora returned to her Fortune self, and subsequently returned to Lliira embrace. The cyclical nature of Lliira & Tymora's relationship is central to the holiday of Ruminativity .   During The Shattering, Lliira was central to the continued strength of the Pantheon. Her and her paragons walked the material plane ensuring humanity remained resolute in their believes in the face of great suffering. They brought with them joy and preached hope, ensuring the pessimism and cynicism of the condemned gods could not usurp the Pantheon.  


Lliira is represented by the Cup of Delight. The liquid inside the cup carries the warmful exuberance of Lliira joy. One needs only to accept the cup and take a sip to feel the rush of exhilaration throughout your body.


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