Lukas SkyBound

Lukas SkyBound

Lukas Skybound is a known Inn Owner, and Artificer. He is actively seeking a Coffee Elemental.   They arrived in Novandria a few years ago from somewhere east of Ruskovich. Since arriving, they have purchased land inside of the city and additional lands outside of the city. They seem to have a keen mind that thirsts for knowledge. They are soft spoken, and often speaks more with body gestures than they do words.   Shortly after arriving they took an interest in the Amalgamated Transportation Union and its new enterprise in airships. After pursuing several different masters for an opportunity to bypass apprenticing, he managed to convince Marissa Silverstone-Collins to give him a chance. Due to their uncanny knowledge of air current and conditions, combined with a decent knowledge of shipping, they were able to pass their Journeyer exam. Since then, they have been assisting Marissa with the Airship expansion.   On the land they purchased in the south part of the city they have worked with a Gnome and Dwarf engineer to design a unique multistory Inn. The building is designed in such a way that additional stories can be added on. Currently it is 5 stories tall.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

They have an acrobatic frame, lean, muscular, and toned. Their bones are slender and lighter than most Tabaxi.

Body Features

Lukas is a Tawny fur Tabaxi, with black and gold stripes. He's shorter then most Tabaxi being just under 6 foot.

Apparel & Accessories

Their prefer style tends to be a bit Rakish. They wear a gold loop in their left ear. They favor Purple and Blue.

Specialized Equipment

Lukas loves making things and learning, but most of all they love working on Eletech Airships. They are well known for making and tinkering with their guns.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lukas arrived in Novandria, a few years ago with a decent amount of wealth. He's managed to get entry into the The Amalgamated Transportation Union as a Jounier with the help of Marissa Silverstone-Collins. Since then, they have been helping Marissa with the Union expansion in Airships. They have acquired some land in Southern Novandria where they have built The SkyBound Inn.

Gender Identity

Though they identify as Male, their gender views are very fluid.


It's common knowledge, thought talked about descretly, that Lukas has lovers from several genders and races. This seems to surprise Lukas each time someone shows intrested and often times is oblivious at first.


Lukas had formal education prior to arriving in Novandria and seems fit well in polite society when needed. Since their arrival they occasionally taken classes at The Academy of Adventuring Arts to extend their knowledge to Artificing.


Lukas is a known merchant of the The Amalgamated Transportation Union and owner of The SkyBound Inn.

Accomplishments & Achievements

They managed to bypass their Apprentice period by taking the Jounier test under three masters.

Intellectual Characteristics

Lukas is sometimes distracted knowledge and challenges. More then once they have lost large swaths of time in libraries. They also get lost with puzzels and challenges.

Personality Characteristics


Currently Lukas main motivation is gaining knowledge and expand their intrests in Airship. They have taken to Adventuring as a means to addtional funding for projects.

Likes & Dislikes

They love Sauerbraten, and serve at the Inn most Sundays. They have a strong dislike of Tyrany.

Vices & Personality flaws

Though known to gamble, Lukas isn't known for overdoing it.


A good bath and shower is a must. Even if lost in the wild, one must make time for proper Hygien. Dirt, Gease and such is part of life, but when done, cleaning is important.


Contacts & Relations

Marissa Silverstone-Collins is a mentor and sometimes lover. Lady Tala Ironstitch, is a romantic intrested.

Family Ties

Not much is known about their family, and seem to make them sad to talk about them.


Manner are important, even when your telling someone off you should do it politely.

Wealth & Financial state

Considered a sucessful and wealthy merchant

Lukas is an Artificer who is known member of The Amalgamated Transportation Union with a focus on Airships. He also the owner of The SkyBound Inn. He's new to Novandria having just arrived a few year ago.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Young Adult
East beyond Ruskovich
Current Residence
The Skybound Inn, Novandria
Ice Blue
Tawny fur, with black and gold stripes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Espresso covered in Fur
Known Languages
Common, Draconian, Tabaxi
Ruled Locations

Becoming a Citizen
April 18th, 1880

“You look nervous Lukas.” Marissa said with clear amusement in her voice.   I tried to give her a look, but the fact that I stopped adjusting my sleeve and put my arms down, caused her to laugh.   “I realize this is mainly just a ceremony. I already have my citizen papers. But still, I know this will settle some of the ruffle feathers at the guild. I don’t want anything to go wrong.”   She shook her head and adjusted my necktie. “It will be fine. You passed all the tests. You did your interview. You now just need to stand up among the other handful of people to go through a formal ceremony.”   “I appreciate you supporting me in this, as you did with the entry of the guild.” I responded hoping she could tell how much the support really meant. “Hopefully this will cause less of a stir then my joining the guild did.”   She laughed again, “Try as you might, you don’t make small waves.”   “All those here for the Citizen Ceremony, please come forward.” Someone called and I headed to take my place.

First Guild Visit
March 12th, 1880

Walking up to The Amalgamated Transportation Union was an interesting experience. It clearly started as a smaller building that additional sections had been added on to. Occasionally they seem to try to find a common theme, but other parts clearly were done more for functionality. I spotted it before but this was the first time I really spent time studying it. Now I had a strong urge to find and study the blue prints. Or would it be multiple blueprints?   Shaking my head, I put those thoughts aside and headed to what I was pretty certain was the front door. The number of doors made it a bit confusing till you got closer and saw the sign.   Where the outside was a rambling set of buildings, the lobby was much better organized. Older dark woods floors that were well maintained. Dark green wall paper outlines large map murals or murals of different forms of transportation.   Along the back wall is a number of people working behind a counter that remind me a bit of bank tellers. The signs clearly indicate the different focus of different people, such as shipping, receiving, and guild membership. The place seems to be well organized and due to the early hour quiet for a moment. Past the counter I saw offices and a few conference rooms. The latter is likely for important clients.   Walking to the membership counter an old goblin lady looks up at me. I watched her eyes run over me, likely looking for a sign of membership. I’d learned from Sareena Loralen that the guilds in Eisen usually have a token that marks their guild membership and standing. For the Union it was a small wheel with different material showing rank. I could see that the woman in front of me wore a silver wheel. Journeyer I believe.   “Hi, I’m Lukas SkyBound, I’m interested in applying to become a Journeyer and would like more details on the process.” I said trying to be cheerful, friendly, and confident.   There was a long pause as she studied me a bit more, before asking, “Are you from a counterpart guild in another country with a letter of recommendation?”   “No. I don’t have a letter. I have prior shipping experience. I’m from the far east, and we don’t use letters of recommendations.” I say with a bit of hesitation. I had learned that it was possible to skip being an apprentice, but I hadn’t heard about the letters.   I could almost hear her mentally thinking it was too early for this. “Mr. SkyBound, without a letter of recommendations from a counterpart guild, your best option would be to join as an apprentice and work your way up. If you have some prior experience, I’m sure that will be taken into consideration and allow you to be paired with a master sooner. In a few years you could become a journeyer.” She stated but her tone suggests it is unlikely to happen any faster, and she questioned experience.   Part of me wants to let go, but lessons learned from my bi-mother Syndra came to mind. This place is a political beast, and there is a set path, but it’s rarely the only path you can walk.   “And my other options?” I asked   There was a pause and blinking before she asked, “Other Options?” Her tone seemed a bit surprised and confused.   “Yes, you said that was my best option. I take it to mean there are other options I could choose that might take more effort or be harder.” I clarified. Again making sure my voice stayed confident. “I’m not afraid to prove myself or work hard to earn my place.”   She studied me for a moment and a twinkle showed in her eye. Perhaps a bit of an upturn of the lips. I’m clearly no spoiled noble and I get the sense she not only knows I mean it when I say I’m willing to earn it, but doing so has earned me a few points in her book.   “There are a few other ways, but they require you to take tests to prove your knowledge and experience. They also require you to prove a character. They are generally harder than the tests taken by apprentices becoming journeyers.” She informed me, and clearly watched for my reaction.   “That makes sense to me. With apprentices they had time to observe the person for a period of time, and got feedback from a number of people. They don’t know someone who is testing into Journeyer, so they need to take a much stronger measure of that person. To make sure they know enough, and have the temperament for it. Otherwise, they could put other lives and the guild reputation in danger.”   I felt like I was explaining the obvious, but I also got the feeling that I needed to. I’d learned long ago to trust my instincts. I realize I’m right as I see the first real smile on her face. “That is true. I like you, not sure why, but something about you. So, I’ll give you a bit of advice. If you want to choose that option, be prepared to be frustrated. You will need to get at least one guild master willing to sponsor you for the test. You will be able to request to meet with them, but generally you have to start at the lowest ranking ones. Many of them see it as a formality before they decline your request. If you can’t be persistent, go the apprentice route.”   I couldn’t help but grin, persistent is something I could do. I’d learned bureaucracy from listening to my parents. It was something I was confident I could handle.   “How do I request my first meeting?” I asked cheerfully.  

First Night in Novandria
Spring 1880

I sit there staring at the ceiling willing myself to fall to sleep without success. I’ve stayed in more places than I care to count, run by all kinds of different people, so why am I having trouble sleeping?   With a sigh I stretch preparing to get up, and freeze as it comes to me. I don’t feel comfortable. I haven’t felt right in my skin since I first arrived. The thought causes me to sigh in frustration. There is nothing I can do right now about my situation. Even if I could… would I really want to? I consider that for a bit before coming to the conclusion that it wouldn’t change much.   I’m under some restrictions here, and I don’t have access to everything I’d like, but that has been true of many places I’ve been. It’s simply a new challenge and certainly a lot of new opportunities. There is so much I could learn here. My discomfort starts to fade as my mind starts to see again the possibilities.   With a yawn I snuggled in and started to drift off. Tomorrow there will be breakfast, and then exploring this city with my new guide. Who knows where that will lead?

Arrival in Novandria
Spring 1880

There was no gate to speak of as I entered the city. Perhaps at one point it had a wall and gate, but if so it like was gone, or the city has expanded beyond it. From what I had seen of this land so far there wasn’t much need for it.   I checked on the donkey I had purchased and the containers I had attached to it. A few personal items I felt safe bringing, and a portion of my wealth were stored inside. From what I had learned it should be enough to establish myself here. If not, I could always go back for more. No. I didn’t need to. I was good enough that even in these lands I could prosper. I had a plan and I would make it successful.   Moving into the city I quickly realized I wouldn’t be able to find my way, and started to look around carefully for the right person. There were a few people that I recognized it was best to avoid, but eventually I found someone at the edge of a market who my instincts told me I could trust. Though I lost much, those I had kept, and they were my most valuable thing.   “Excuse me Miss.” I said in a way of greetings, “I’m new here and need a guide. I was recommended to visit The Daily Lily Inn. Would you know about it and be willing to guide me there for a fee?” I pulled out a few coins. I had exchanged some wealth for local currency prior to arriving in town to make things smoother. Though much of my wealth would still need to be dealt with.   She studied me for a moment, as she finished packing up the instrument she had been playing. “Sure, I know the place. Guide there and nothing else?” She asked. It took me a moment to process what she meant, and then nod, “Yes.” As a gesture of trust I offered her the coins up front. She seemed surprised at me doing so, and perhaps at the amount. Perhaps I had overpaid, I have to figure that out.   It took us about half an hour to make it to the in. At first she was quiet but she slowly started to open up and talk. She was an interesting person and seemed to know a lot about the city. By the time we reached the Inn I had made a decision.   “Thank you for the information about the city and for guiding me. If you're free tomorrow and willing, I’d like to hire your services again to show me around town. I am planning to live here and have a lot to learn.”   She paused considering the offer and I decided to sweeten the offer, “If you're here an hour after dawn I’ll throw in breakfast? I hear this place has a good spread.” Her stomach rumbled and she blushed but agreed.  

Into the Air
April 22, 1884

Lukas looked around the small cave to make sure everything was well. Nothing they were doing should go badly, but they’d rather be certain. Any use of powerful energy can have negative consequences, and they were concerned about this one.   Mentally they went over the check list. They’d left detailed instructions about how they wanted their property to be handled in case they didn’t return. If things explode the cave should contain the blast and redirect it away from any population center. If they didn’t check in by the end of tomorrow, an anonymous request and payment would be made to the adventurer's guild. It would report strange magical activity and request it be investigated. The last was least likely, but leaving an open rift in the world could be bad. They taken the time to even research which groups had experience with such things and include a preference for them in the request form.   They were stalling and they knew it. It had been years since they tried, and they didn’t know how well they would take it if they failed again. To work so hard to regain things.. shaking their heads they realized they were still stalling.   Taking a deep breath, they focus inward. Finding the spark, they knew was there but had trouble accessing it. Feeling the edges of it, they attempted to use the amulet they made to unlock it. Instinctively they start to reach up to grab the amulet but stop themselves. Bad habits, they didn’t need to grasp it to use it.   The amulet allowed them to understand the harmonics better. The more they focused, the clearer things became. Part of them wanted to jump for joy, no matter what else happened, they had made progress. But stopping now would be too much, too much risk, and too much regret of giving up. Instead, they move forward.   Carefully they shaped power with their will. Creating the proper patterns and feeding it their intent. The process should take moments, but they went slowly to make sure they were careful. They could afford the extra time now. It would make future uses easier, uses in which seconds could mean their life.   They filled their minds with a place, somewhere they paid dearly to learn as many details about it as possible. They pushed and vanished with a soft pop.   The next minute they were falling through the air. Their destination was off to their right, a floating island, known as Aeris Island. The island is lush with vegetation, and its own gravity keeps everything in place. On the top of the island, there is a bustling tavern, filled with the sounds of laughter and clinking glasses. The Nervous Crow is a popular spot for travelers and crews, who come to share stories and rest before continuing their journeys.   On the bottom side of the island, there is a large warehouse known as Aeris Port. The warehouse is used to store goods and supplies and is an important hub for trade. Despite its location on the underside of the island, the warehouse is easily accessible thanks to the island's gravity.   Lukas continued to fall for a bit as they simply blinked. Then activating his boots, stopped in midair. Looking around they took in the area. They’d done it. They were certain this was the Plane of Air. They could see shapes of things off in the distance, but nothing else was nearby.   A weight fell off their shoulders. They had a bit more hope now. Looking back at the tavern they decided that a drink would be a good idea. With an effort of will they started to head that way. They would explore more later, after they’d bought a few rounds, and gathered more information from the locals.

One Small Step
April 1, 1884

Lukas picked up the amulet from where it lay in the velvet lined box. It looked to be a simple ring of metal with swirling patterns engraved into it. But careful examination of it showed runes hidden among the swirls. Closing their eyes and focusing for a moment Lukas could feel it resonate with their core. It had taken a long time to craft this, but it hopefully would be worth it. With this Lukas could regain something long lost. Sliding it over their head and around their neck it settled into place comfortably.   Taking a deep breath Lukas prepared everything they could think of for protection, then turned to Bernard. “Ready for this?” Lukas asked, and Bernard simply nodded affirmatively.   Bernard was still a puzzle. Lukas saw very little independence in Bernard during their interactions, yet Lukas couldn’t deny the evidence Bernard was capable of it. It made no sense.   Reaching out, Lukas took Bernard’s hand, and focused will and power through the amulet. Their thoughts focused on a spot they paid to learn of. They vanished, transported across the planar boundaries.

Garden Chimes
March 23, 1884

Lukas walked slowly through the garden with Master Ryo Valren, talking about how things were going. Upon arriving at a small clearing Lukas paused.   The clearing was only about twenty feet wide, ringed with topiaries. Last time Lukas had been here the area in the center was empty, but now a pergola had been erected in the center. Hanging from it were several wind chimes. Some of them are as small as his hand, but the largest was easily six feet long.   They were beautiful. Made of all kinds of materials from metal to wood. They showed a progression in skill, starting with very crude, and gaining details and quality with each piece. The large brass one was a breathtaking piece of art. The sight of them was enough to make Lukas pause, but the sound was more so.   In the light breeze they created a mixture of sounds that stirred Lukas’s memory. It was sounds from a lifetime ago. He once told Cardinal that he never had luck with music, but that was half a lie. There had been a time he created a kind of music. Now, he was hearing it again. Memories of those lost times flooded into Lukas causing his eyes to grow blurry and wet.   “Lukas, are you ok?” Ryo asked him quietly, concerned at the reaction of his normally stoic friend.   Lukas wiped his eyes and took a deep breath to steady himself. “Yes, I am Ryo. Old memories I haven’t thought of in a long time.” He said looking at his friend, and an honest smile came to his face. “They hurt a bit, but they also are really good memories.”   Turning once more to the wind chimes Lukas studied them for a moment before asking, “Bernard did this?”   Ryo nodded, “He asked if he could use part of the garden, and I told him he could work here. We don’t have anything planned for this space for a while. Mostly it is used for tent space. Each night for a few hours he would come and work on building the Pergola. Then last night he came and hung up the chimes. I watched him for a bit. He spent hours adjusting them and their position.” Ryo smiled as he said, “I recognize an artist making sure their art is as perfect as they can make it. I’ve done the same on my Topiary.”   Ryo looks back to Lukas, “When I mentioned it over breakfast, and you didn’t seem to know what I was talking about I thought it best you come see.”   Lukas nodded slowly, “I didn’t know, and I admit that concerns me for a number of reasons.”   With a frown, Ryo asked, “Should I bar Bernard from the Garden in the future?”   “No” Lukas responded, shaking his head, “Bernard has done nothing wrong. But… but I think I need to understand what is going on.”  

A bit of Music
March 18th, 1884

Something broke Lukas from his meditation. They looked around their small room and couldn’t figure out what it was. Looking at the time they decided to get up.   After getting dressed they made their way into the workshop with the intention to spend time working on their elemental Bastion plans. They stopped however at the door, confused by the sight. There was Bernard at the workbench, working on… pipes. No, they were the makings of a wind chime Lukas realized.   “Bernard, what are you doing?” Lukas asked approaching to take a closer look.   Bernard turned to stare at him for a moment, and then started to gesture to the wind chime. Making small hand movements to illustrate their use.   “Why are you working on this Bernard?” Lukas asked confused. Bernard shrugged in return.   Lukas sighed in frustration. Most of the time Bernard seem to be simply a mechanical, but now and then Lukas would see something that made him wonder. Lukas started to turn in search of coffee but stopped suddenly. Looking back to the table, Lukas realized that there were materials here that hadn’t been present when he went to meditate.   “Bernard, where did this come from.” Lukas asked while indicating one of the pipes.   Bernard made some gestures and generally indicated downstairs. Lukas again decided they need to ether figure out why Bernard’s voice system didn’t work or teach some form of sign language. “We’re going to work on sign language today.” Lukas said deciding, “But first I want to understand what going on.”   Making their way to the first floor, Lukas flagged down one of the staff, “Morning Coleen, do you know anything about the pipes got to delivered to my workshop?”   “A bit. Marty got them at the request of Bernard. Was there a problem with them? Marty just went off shift, but I can send someone else if there an issue with them.”   Lukas blinked. “Bernard requested them?” He asked for confirmation from Coleen while turning to look at Bernard.   “Yes, that is not a problem, is it?” Coleen asked. “We assumed that you had asked him to request them?”   Lukas cocked his head slightly thinking, “Coleen, can you describe what happen in detail.”   Coleen frowned a bit, “We were cleaning the main room prior to shift change. Getting everything ready for the breakfast crowd. Bernard” She paused and indicated Bernard. “came down and asked politely for some pipes. We were mostly done so I sent Marty to run out and get them. I told Marty to have them put it on your account.”   Lukas blinked a bit, as the possibility of what happened started to make itself clear, but he had to be sure. “Coleen, when you said Bernard asked politely, you mean with his voice right?”   “Yes.” She answered slightly confused by the question. “If you don’t mind me saying so, you gave him a pretty voice. Not quiet as nice as say Cardinal, but it’s pretty. Charlotte mentioned hearing him singing the other night. She said she didn’t understand the words, but it was pretty. He’s quiet most of the time, but now and then.” She shrugs.   Lukas’s mind whirled trying to make sense of all of it. “Thank you, Coleen.” With a nod she got back to her duties.   Once more upstairs, Lukas sat in his workshop looking at Bernard. It didn’t make sense. What was going on?  

March 14, 1884

Sweat soaked their fur. The forging had been one of the hardest they’d ever tried. In part because of the environment. All the work was done in a vacuum chamber to remove any gas that could affect the metal. The heat in the room required for the forging, was hot enough to cook a person. Even with protective gear, Lukas several times had to use magic to restore themself from burns and heat exhaustion. Magic had been imbued into every piece of the construction during the forging process. The outer shell was made of adamantine and inner workings were made mostly of mithril, and silver. Creating a system that would allow it to self-repair was an exciting and frustrating challenge. Several times it lost control and repaired things it wasn’t supposed to. Lukas was pretty sure the most recent set of instructions would resolve that. But once it was fully active things would be easier to investigate. For the last three days Lukas hadn’t left their warehouse as they were so close. Master Marissa Silverstone-Collins had stopped by to check on them, and after seeing Lukas’s state she had arranged for Lukas to be excused for the week. Some of the SkyBound Inn’s staff had stopped by to ensure that Lukas had food and checked on them. Their visits were like ghosts passing by as Lukas was so focused. The most recent visit reminded Lukas again that they need to send Mira a note about their next planning session. Taking a few minutes, they scribed a note and stepped outside to find a runner. Once back inside the door their focus returned fully to their project. Their work was ready to be removed from the forging chamber. Releasing the wall clamps, air filled the chamber. When the pressure was right, Lukas cranked the wheel that opened the doors and revealed the Steal Defender. Already it was a sight of beauty, but there were lots of places they could improve. Taking a special cloth and a container of alchemical mixture, they began to clean it. The chemical would remove the residue from the forging process while preparing it for the final enchanting process. A few hours later things were ready. Lukas had placed their creation in the center with several machines designed to charge and empower it. When activated, each channeled a beam of raw elemental power. Lukas was careful to balance each with their counterpart. Feeling the energy in the room grow they tapped into it, guiding it. All seemed to be going right, until Lukas realized there was a problem. Their memories of this process showed it was going to fail. There was a gap, something that was missing. Lukas refused to fail. They refused to let this world win again. Pushing back on the universe with their will they forced it to accept their desire. Their body began to glow, and that glow extended out to cover their creation. At that moment, they knew the problem. It was risky but they exposed their true self to the creation and the magic accepted it. Happy that it had work Lukas started to pull everything back in when they found they couldn’t. Part of their inner self was stuck to the creation. In a moment of panic Lukas use all their willpower to pull back as hard as they could. Pain to levels they rarely had known flooded them as something ripped. They collapsed on the floor, the edges of their vision going black. The las thing they saw was the creation move on its own, it stepped forward and stood over Lukas. Lukas looked up at it and spoke the odd thought that occurred to them, “You look like a Bernard to me.” Then the world went black, and their head hit the floor.