House Rules & Errata

The below house rules and errata are used within Terranon.  

Character Creation and Leveling

The following rules are used when creating your character and leveling in Terranon.  

Customize Your Origin

We will be using the "Customizing Your Origin" features in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, page 7.   In short, this means:
  • You may customize your Ability Score Increase trait, if your race has one, and assign the ability score increases in a way that's tailored for your character.
  • All races know Common and one other language based on your origin and background.
  • You can replace proficiencies with a different proficiency of your choice using the following table:
ProficiencyReplacement Proficiency
Skill Skill
Armor Simple or martial weapon or tool
Simple Weapon Simple weapon or tool
Martial Weapon Simple or martial weapon or tool
Tool Tool or simple weapon

Extra Feat

Every character gets an extra Feat at 1st level.  

Dragonmark Tattoos

  After the battle with the Adult Green Dragon Cayden, fate has ensnared the players. For helping Calder and her own enigmatic reasons, Kelesta has marked each of the players with a Dragonmark. Invisible to anyone not already marked, even through magic, the Dragonmark is a visible representation of your personal fate and your alliance with the dragons of Kelesta. Each mark manifests in different places for each person, but each type of dragonmark is recognizable as a mark of that type.   Mechanics. Players may select one of the twelve (non-aberrant) dragonmarks and obtain the spells listed for the least level. The dragonmarks will likely expand in a future plot so you may consider the higher levels in your choice.   If a player feels a different combination of spells may be more fitting to their thematics, please open a ticket to discuss with staff. Spells may only be swapped for the same level - ex. cantrip for cantrip (this is to allow for those who already have a given cantrip, those who feel a different thematic would work, etc) Each spell is usable once per day and renews at long rest. All other mechanics for casting the spell apply and use the Ability Score listed for that mark.   We will not be allowing a full switch out - aka; you cannot take a shadow mark and use healing mark powers with it. We will be looking for reasons beyond mechanics for whatever is swapped.  

Hit Points

Hit points are calculated using your hit dice maximum for every level and are not rolled. Constitution modifiers, feats, and other abilities apply as normal.  


Attribute multiclass requirements have been removed, but you are limited to a maximum of 3 classes.  

Artificer Errata

The Explosive Cannon 9th level artificer feature also increases the protector cannon's temporary HP by 1d8.  

Time of Troubles: Long and Short Rest Changes

Please see the additional document at:  


The following rules are supplemental to the the normal combat rules, or clarify an official position.  

Summons and Companions

Companion creatures, such as familiars, homonculus infusions, and Beastmaster pets that are permanent parts of your character are summoned or created at full HP.   If a summoned creature has a normal stat block, such as with the spell Conjure Animals or Summon Lesser Demons, that creature is created at average HP for their stat block. Other creatures, such as Summon Celestial summon a creature with an explicit HP total. These totals are not changed.  

Drinking a Potion

Drinking a potion is considered a Bonus Action for yourself, and an Action to use for someone else. You may use an Action to drink a Healing Potion and regain the maximum hit points.  

Magic Items

Heward's Handy Haversack: Collecting an item from the haversack counts as a free object interaction. The rules for a bag of holding, requiring an action, have not been changed.  


We are using the optional rules for Flanking from the DMG (pg 251)   When making a melee attack, you get advantage if your opponent is threatened by a character or creature friendly to you on the opponent’s opposite border or opposite corner.   When in doubt about whether two friendly characters flank an opponent in the middle, trace an imaginary line between the two friendly characters’ centers. If the line passes through opposite borders of the opponent’s space (including corners of those borders), then the opponent is flanked.   Exception: If a flanker takes up more than 1 square, it gets the flanking bonus if any square it occupies counts for flanking.   Only a creature or character that threatens the defender can help an attacker get a flanking bonus.   Creatures with a reach of 0 feet can’t flank an opponent.  

Dying and Death Saves

We believe that dying should have meaning and that death saves are serious. In addition to the existing rules in the Player's Handbook, we're adding these additional effects:   If you fail a death save, you will have a minor injury that cannot be healed with magic. This minor injury will last until the next time you Long Rest, after which it can be healed with magic. This could be a broken arm, severe burns, or some other trauma that's appropriate to how you were injured, and will likely have a small mechanical penalty.   If you fail two death saves, you will have a major injury that cannot be healed with magic. This major injury will last up to a week, as appropriate, after which it can be healed with magic. This could be blindness, temporary madness, temporary loss of an attribute, or some other trauma that will have a larger mechanical penalty.   The storyteller in the scene will work with you to come up with an appropriate injury that's fair, without making you unable to play your character.  

So I hear you're dead...

Dying...has consequences. At minimum, your character will have a permanent injury or scar based on the killing blow. This isn't intended to mechanically affect your character, but serves as an IC reminder that you didn't make it.   In addition to dying, there will be an appropriate religious experience, such as being forced into a chess match with Akmon, being challenged to a battle of the bands with Nicodemus, or being hunted by Rhodena. Your character's soul may need to be rescued, on top of being resurrected. Repeated deaths have... even more interesting consequences.   You'll need to work out with your storyteller what exactly the consequences for dying will be.  

The End of the Story

If you feel that dying is the end of your story, you're always free to retire your character at that time. We just wanted to give players the opportunity to continue playing their character, while still having consequences.  


Instead of using the firearms in the DMG, Terranon will be using the following firearms. In addition, we are adding the additional properties.   Cone. A weapon that has the cone property can make a normal single target attack, or it can spray an area in the shape of a cone starting from the player. Each creature in the area must succeed on a DC 8 + Proficiency + Dexterity saving throw or take the weapon's normal damage. Additional modifiers to the attack roll also apply to the difficulty of this saving throw.   Licensed. This item requires a permit to be owned or used within the city. Permits are not always granted and often require a level of reputation (i.e. character level) within the city. Even with a permit, Rooks may look askance at someone carrying these weapons recklessly. Licensing costs 50G.  


Pistol 150g 1d10 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), loading
Musket 100g 1d12 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 40/120), loading, two handed
Hunting Rifle 200g 2d10 piercing 8 lb. Ammunition (range 80/240), reload (5 shots),
two handed, licensed
Shotgun 250g 2d6 piercing 7 lb. Ammunition (range 30/90), reload (2 shots),
two handed, cone (10'), licensed
Magical versions of these weapons do exist, and follow the normal magical item rules.  

Improvised Weapons

As per the Improvised Weapons rule on page 147 of the PHB, improvised weapons that are similar to an actual weapon can be treated as that weapon. A character that is proficient with a weapon can use a similar object as if it were that weapon and use his or her proficiency bonus as normal.   For weapons that are not in the Player's Handbook, you may use the mechanics, exactly as written, for another weapon that is similar. For example, to use a Urumi (sword whip), treat this weapon as a Whip and use the mechanics and the Whip weapon proficiency from the Player's Handbook. When using the Urumi in combat, please note it as Urumi (whip) so that the storyteller knows which weapon you're using the mechanics for.  

Outside of Combat

The following rules are supplemental to the normal out of combat rules, or clarify an official position.  

Long and Short Rests

Long Rests and Short Rests happen at storyteller discretion, not player discretion, and just waiting because there's no urgency or need does not automatically qualify for a Long or Short Rest unless the storyteller says so.   Unless told otherwise, players may Long Rest once per real life day while in Novandria.  


Preparing Spells

For those classes that prepare spells, pick a list of spells that you would commonly have prepared and add them to your character sheet. If you need to swap one out, tell the storyteller before game. You may swap spells, as normal, on a Long Rest.  

Scribing Spell Costs

The cost for scribing a spell into your spellbook or ritual book if you have the Ritual Caster feat is 10g/level, not 50g/level.  

Allowed Spells

The following spells have been added to our game from books that are not on the automatically approved list. These spells must be acquired in-game.  
Spell NameSource
Wristpocket EGW p.190


Selling and Trading Items

Unless told otherwise, if the storyteller gives an option between gold or an item, you cannot sell the item for gold. If you are given just an item, and nobody wants it, the item can be sold and split among the group.   There may be cases when you get an item, but decide later that you're not going to use it. In these cases, it may be possible to trade for an equivalent item with storyteller approval.

Custom Magic Items

The following custom magic items have been approved for play:  
Custom Wands and Potions Trading and Crafting Magic Items
Glamerweave (Uncommon) The uncommon version of glamerweave allows the owner to add +1d4 to a single Charisma-based skill that is chosen upon purchase rather than any Persuasion and Performance test. All other mechanics remain the same.
Lesser Masquerade Tattoo The same statistics as the Masquerade Tattoo from TCE p. 131 except it does not have the Tattoo Attunement and Disguise Self properties.

Conditions and Statuses

Due to the nature of Discord and text-based combat, some conditions and statuses need to be clarified  


Blindsight is updated to use the Unearthed Arcana rules because they are clearer.  
If you have Blindsight, you can see within a specific range without relying on physical sight. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn't behind Total Cover, even if you have the Blinded condition or are in Darkness. Moreover, in that range, you can effectively see a creature that has the Invisible condition.
This ability is considered akin to a sixth sense within the blindsight range and is not limited to the normal five senses.   As a reminder, per the normal rules for vision in combat, being able to see around you (and even behind you) is automatic unless a more specific condition applies such as Invisible or being hidden.
"In combat, most creatures stay alert for signs of danger all around, so if you come out of hiding and approach a creature, it usually sees you. However, under certain circumstances, the DM might allow you to stay hidden as you approach a creature that is distracted, allowing you to gain advantage on an attack roll before you are seen." —PHB p.177

Skills and Tools

For our game, we've altered how some skills and tools are being used.   Eletech. Many eletech devices are built, modified, or repaired using Tinker's Tools.   Etiquette. If you find that you want to know what the proper etiquette for a situation is, you'll want to use History.  

Tools and Skills Together

  We are using the optional rules in Xanathar's Guide to Everything on page 78 regarding advantages or additional benefits for having both a skill and a related tool proficiency.   For example, if you are Proficient in BOTH a tool and a skill, such as Performance and a tool proficiency for a specific instrument, you make that check with advantage.   In the case of Theives Tools, being proficient in that tool and in the follow skills give advantage:   Slight of Hand - adv. on lockpicking   Perception - adv. on finding traps   History - adv. on knowledge about trapped locations, types of traps, etc.   For more specific knowledge regarding the synergies of Tool Proficiencies, please see XGE Pg 78 - 85.  

Passive Ability Checks

When and how to use passive ability checks can be confusing for players and storytellers alike. Players should never use passive ability checks, and if a storyteller is asking for a check, the player should always roll.   The Observant feat is particularly confusing because you can never tell when it's being used. In our game, Observant is being changed to give advantage on active Perception and Investigation rolls rather than +5 to only passive ones so that a player knows when they're using it.   The Dungeon Delver feat says "Traveling at a fast pace doesn't impose the normal -5 penalty on your passive Wisdom (Perception) scores." This rule is rarely used and not useful for our game. This last line is removed. from this feat, and not replaced.

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