The Circle of Confidence

Escorts, traveling companions, caretakers, hosts, lovers

The Confidantes are, at heart, the guild of society. Confidantes are trained in a vast array of skills and talents, stay up to date on the latest fashions and entertainments, and are adept at manuevering through the murky waters of nobility and the upper classes. Confidantes can be hired as escorts, traveling companions, caretakers, hosts, lovers -- whatever their client needs them for, whether it is to act as lady of the manor for a month, a companion for a ball, or someone to teach a young noble about the ways of pleasure.   Confidantes are sex workers. Eisen society considers Confidantes to be the ‘acceptable’ type of sex worker, classy, graceful, and well-mannered, far different from the whores and street walkers across the country. The Confidantes, however, know that the only difference between guild members and other sex workers are circumstantial. The only thing stopping a prostitute from being a Confidante is training, and the guild works to not only protect sex workers outside the guild, but to sponsor them into the guild or other professions whenever possible.



Harper Cavatica - half-elf woman
Harper is an exacting, strict woman who expects exemplary effort in all things. Despite her stern demeanor, however, she cares deeply for the members of her guild, and makes it a point to know even the newest apprentice by name. She also still actively teaches and continuously keeps her ear to the ground for new social trends.

Guild Representative

The representative for the Confidantes is a young male kalashtar named Oren Valere. Oren is an incredibly charming individual, easy-going and seemingly lackadaisical, though he has a terrific gift for politics and a keen sense on reading people.

Guild Administrator

The administrator is a firbolg named Fabiola Valentina. Mama Fabi, as everyone calls her, is a jolly, kind woman who adores all of her ‘ducklings’, as she refers to the guild members.

Guild Structure and Ranks

Unlike the other Eisen guilds, joining the Confidantes may only be done after the individual has reached the age of majority. This is for two reasons -- one, the sexual nature of the guild is unsuitable for minors, and two, the Confidantes have a firm belief in self-autonomy, and therefore ensure that each member joins under their own will.   Apprentice: Apprentice Confidantes are commonly called cheri. While each Magistrix is responsible for the welfare of their own cheri, most cheri are taught communally at guild halls, with each Magistrix typically teaching two to three classes per three-month teaching season.   The Confidantes have one of the most varied and intensive curriculums of any guild in Eisen. Cheris are expected to be well-rounded and able to act as their employer requests of them. Classes are grouped into departments, and a Magistrix will typically be chosen to chair a department for a year at a time. In addition to areas such as Etiquette and Culture, the Confidantes possess what is known as the Subtlety Department, where cheri are instructed in matters of stealth and secrecy.  
  • Art Department: Art Appreciation; Drawing; Floral Design; Musical Theory and Technique (for singing or an instrument Painting; Needlework
  • Etiquette Department: Body Language; Conversation; Dining; Manners; Writing and Calligraphy; Hosting; Flirting
  • Culture Department: Fashion; Gameplay; History; Literature; Theater; Poetry; Politics; Debate
  • Sensuality Department: Domination and Submission; Kinks and Fetishes; Sex and Sensuality; Bondage; Sexual Conversation; Sadism and Masochism
  • Physicality Department: Aromatherapy; Movement; Ballroom Dance; Hair and Cosmetics; Massage; Fencing
  • Subtlety Department: Cryptology; Disguise; Lip Reading; Self Defense; Psychology; Situational Awareness; Stealth
  Journeyer: Journeyers are known as amoureux. Upon completing their apprenticeship, an amoureux typically joins a menage, the common name for a house run by a Magistrix out of which the Confidantes work. Amoureux are allowed to take contracts for any length of time, although it is considered bad form for a new amoureux to take a year contract straight away. They are also expected to stay up-to-date on new advancements within any of the guild’s areas of study.   Master: Master Confidantes are called Magistrix. A Magistrix will often open a menage, either alone or with others of their rank, and spend time at the guildhall teaching as well. Far fewer Magistrixes spend their time traveling with their associates.   Mastery Exam: An amoureux must complete a minimum of 25 day contracts, 10 week contracts, and 3 month contracts before being eligible to apply for Mastery. In addition, potential Magistrix are put through a rigorous examination of the guild’s requisite skills.


The Confidantes tend to be very close-knit and protective of each other. While education is of utmost importance, when not in classes cheri are encouraged to befriend each other and socialize. Many amoureux will help to mentor a particular cheri, teaching them their personal tricks. While competition for contracts and petty cattiness does occur, Magistrixes are quick to squash that sort of thing, lest it get out of hand.   Patron God: Peitho  

Guild Symbols

Confidantes wear bells, either woven into their hair, as jewelry, attached to their clothing, or somewhere else on their person. These bells are copper for cheri, silver for amoureux, and gold for Magistrixes. In addition, a Confidante under contract will wear a symbol of their patron, showing that they cannot be contracted at that time.  

Guild House Description

The Confidantes’ guild hall is a large, beautiful manor home on Guild Row. It is set up much like a boarding school, with many specialized classrooms, a library, dormitories for cheri, and more appointed rooms for amoureux and Magistrixes.

Public Agenda

Confidantes are contracted by patrons to provide aid and support in whatever manner their patron requires, whether those duties be social, sexual, or anything else. In return, the patron not only pays the negotiated fee to the Confidante, but also provides lodging, food, and other necessities during the time of the contract. The exact terms of the contract are overseen by a Magistrix and filed with the guild. Contracts always outline clearly that a Confidante may refuse any sexual advances at any time, and a patron found harming or abusing a Confidante will be swiftly and sternly punished.   Contracts can be set for a day, a week, a month, or a year. A common saying that accompanies the guild is: “A night for fun, a week for need, a month for home, a year for greed.” Year contracts are particularly rare.   Eisenvolk of a conservative bent often look down on Confidantes and those who hire them, with the most conservative calling the members of the guild “whores in gilded rags”.


The Confidantes are wealthy and incredibly well-connected. They have their fingers on the pulse of society and culture, and seem to know everyone everywhere -- at least, anyone who matters.


No one is quite sure why the Subtlety Department exists -- it has been around since the guild’s inception, and no one has ever gotten rid of it. The skills taught there have certainly helped many a Confidante.
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Confidante's Guild, Whore's Guild (der)
Confidante, Whore (der)
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Patron God
Peitho   Guild Symbol