House of Scarlet Silk

The House of Scarlet Silk is a well-to-do menage -- a combination of salon, club, and brothel -- in the noble’s quarter. It is patronized by the nobility, the wealthy, and those of extremely discerning tastes.   Apart from Alexandra, the owner, the House of Scarlet Silk employs seven other journeyers -- three female (an elf, an air genasi, and a half-orc), two male (an aasimar and a halfling), two ama’il (a dwarf and a hexblood). There are three apprentices, two ama’il (a firbolg and a half-elf) and one female (a human the House also employs a cook, a housekeeper, a footman, a chambermaid, and a parlor maid.

Purpose / Function

The House of Scarlet Silk has two primary functions. The lower floor is a high end social club, where those of wealth and taste can smoke, drink, gamble, and enjoy a fine meal and entertainment. The confidantes employed by the House work the lower floor to provide company, take care of visitors, and perhaps pick up a contract for the evening. The upper floor of the House consists of a series of private rooms for use by the confidantes and their clients in whatever capacity the client requires; this could be for conversation, massages, sexual activity, or anything else the client requires.


The House, from the outside, appears to be a well-to-do manor home with a small but beautifully cultivated garden in the back; the garden boasts a variety of different flowers, mostly those used in romantic flower language. A large gazebo sits in the middle of the gardens, and there are a few small tables and benches scattered throughout the area.   The lower floor has multiple rooms for patrons and confidantes to utilize: a medium-sized library with a collection of books on topics of sexuality, etiquette, fashion, and a vast number of romance novels; a dining room offering luxurious meals; a salon for musical recitals, dance exhibitions, and other performances; a smoking room; a brightly light solar; a gambling room with tables for dice and cards, as well as a billiards table; and two lavishly decorated lounges for conversation and drinking. In addition to areas of the lower floor for patrons, there is also a kitchen, laundry room, and storage.  
Dining Room
Smoking Room
  The upper floor holds a small private boudoir for each of the journeyer confidantes employed by the house; these are both bedroom and parlor, used by the confidantes not just for entertaining clients, but as their actual living quarters. There is also a sauna and small bathing hall; two general use chambers with beds large enough for multiple people; a dungeon equipped with furniture and tools for acts of domination; and a small room with a dedicated altar to Peitho. Alexandra’s suite is particularly large and lavish, as befits the owner of the menage; not only does she have both a bedroom and boudoir, her suite also contains an office for seeing to the affairs of the house and a private bathing chamber.


The House is surrounded by a sturdy stone wall, and employs various large, strong individuals to work as bouncers.


The House once belonged to Master Damiano Sutek of the Circle of Confidence; however, upon his untimely death by stabbing after a dice game gone awry, the House passed in ownership to Damiano’s prize student, Alexandra Alkestis. Although Alexandra is only a Journeyer in the guild, she runs the House with a clever mind and gentle hand.


Those from outside of Novandria often learn of the House’s superb reputation, and many make time to stop in for a drink, if not for more lusty pursuits.
Founding Date
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization