The Workers of the Tinkerers Exchange

Mechanics, engineers, eletechnicians, machinists, scientists, inventors

The Exchange is home to all manner of mechanics, engineers, eletechnicians, machinists, and other sundry scientists and inventors who find their joy in playing with gears, steam, and magic. Gunsmiths, too, find their home here; with the study and creation of firearms still being new and somewhat dangerous, discussion with the guild of weaponsmiths led to gunsmithing being included under the Exchange.



Unlike most guilds, the Exchange has two Guildmasters, a pair of kobold brothers named Kretch and Ticktock Steamclaw. Kretch’s specialty is in the creation of guns, artillery, and war machines, while Ticktock is adept at creating clever automatons, preferably out of driftwood and steel. Both brothers definitely fall under the aspect of “mad inventor”, though Kretch is probably the more maniacal of the two.

Guild Representative

The representative for the Exchange is an ama’il githyanki who simply goes by the name of Jerry. Jerry is ever-so-slightly off-kilter, but their experiments have led to some incredible advancements in the field of eletech engines.

Guild Administrator

The Exchange’s administrator is a warforged who identifies as male and calls himself Karnath Alphonse. Despite not being a citizen of Eisen, Karnath is extremely dedicated to the guild and his work creating small, delicate mechanical toys for children, and the rest of the Exchange is incredibly protective of their soft-spoken, gentle administrator.

Guild Structure and Ranks

Apprentice: Apprentices are officially known as aspirants, although they are more commonly called dabblers or putterers. Education for aspirants is haphazard at best -- after a few lessons on safety when working with mechanics, most aspirants are left with massive piles of scrap metal, wires, and junk and told to get to work inventing, unless they are required to help a senior Exchange member with a project.   Journeyer: Exchange journeyers are called technicians, although makers and greasers are common nicknames for the rank. Technicians are given leave to work on their own inventions and projects, although they are sometimes tasked with helping another Exchange member with a larger scale creation. Technicians tend to have a specialty in the kind of work they enjoy, whether it’s engines, appliances, small doodads, or something else.   Master: Masters of the Exchange are properly titled as artificers, but also called originators and masterminds. The vast majority of artificers run manufactories, where Exchange members of all ranks can work on inventions, prototypes, and designs -- manufactories are typically very well-warded against fire, explosives, and other damage. Artificers often have a tendency to get wrapped up in their work to the exclusion of anything else around them, forgoing food or sleep for days on end.   Mastery Exam: Mastery in the Exchange is relatively simple and yet strangely difficult to achieve. To pass a Mastery exam, an individual must present a wholly new invention -- a new type of engine, a household tool, an amusement -- but it must be something functional, practical, and not seen before.


The Exchange is, perhaps, the most casual of all of the guilds of Eisen. Who cares about protocol or titles when there are things to be built? Education is haphazard and members are encouraged to learn from as many sources as they can -- innovation can be found anywhere, after all.   Patron God: Kallias (off.), Gorath (unoff.)  

Guild Symbols

Exchange members wear a pin in the shape of a candle, showing the light of innovation against the darkness of ignorance. Many wear candle motifs in their clothing as well. Tinkerers almost always sport leather aprons, some variety of goggles or other eye protection, and a strange variety of tools about their person.  

Guild House Description

The main Eisen guild manufactory is located just outside of the city walls. It is a long, squat, heavily reinforced building with a selection of different laboratories, workshops, and testing ranges on the premises.

Public Agenda

The Exchange has a somewhat odd reputation within Eisen society. Although most modern eletech inventions have been in some way tied to the guild, there is still a stigma of mad science that is associated with the Exchange. This is quite probably due to the fact that next to the Alchemists’ Guild, the Exchange has been responsible for the most explosions and minor catastrophes in recent history.


The Exchange is one of the youngest guilds of Eisen, coming about with the onset of the Elemental Revolution
Guild, Craftsmen
Alternative Names
The Exchange, Tinkerer's Guild
Tinkerer, Mad Scientist (der)
Patron God
Kallias (off.), Gorath (unoff.)   Guild Symbols