
“Do not think that fairies are always little. Everything is capricious about them, even their size. They seem to take what size or shape pleases them.”

Fey History

Originally from the planar realm of Faerie, the fey were created by several different gods to populate that mirrored realm. Over time, these fey created loose alliances that lead to two courts that still reside there - the Dark Court of the Shadowfell and the Light Court of the Feywild.   The Dark Court became primal, and strength, whether physical or mystical, was strongly valued by them. The Light Court, on the other hand, became incredibly social and came together to gossip and intrigue.   The Dark Court of the time was made of bugbears, goblins, half-orcs, hexbloods, hobgoblins, and orcs, while centaurs, changelings, elves, fairies, half-elves, and satyr allied together to form the Light Court.   When the fey began to make their way from the Faerie, they spread throughout the world and, over time, they helped build the foundations of society. Those races that originally came from the Dark Court became known as dark fey, and those races that made up the Light Court became known as the light fey. Despite that, outside of Faerie, the courts themselves are almost never referenced or used and, socially, the fey function as one ethnic group.  

Fey Culture

The fey often hold events that function as a collective social club where ties can be created and maintained amongst the various fey of that city. Many large cities have a dedicated building (or buildings) where the fey meet. These can be ballrooms, museums, or actual social clubs.   Two events are traditionally held a month – attended by all races of the fey. The Dark Moon Revels are sensual, primal, and sometimes even hedonistic affairs while Full Moon Galas tend to be glittering, lavish events, or as much as possible given class. Fey events are generally restricted to the fey of a city, but other races can be admitted if they have a sponsor willing to bring them along. Different groups will take turns arranging the decor and entertainment, and it’s a source of pride to throw a party better and more over the top than the last.   Fey races like competition and will regularly challenge each other to a friendly game of whatever has their interest at the time, from soccer, to horse races, to croquet and badminton. Rugby is currently very popular and the local Eisen team, The Ebon Horde, enjoys sponsorship from a number of prominent fey individuals. The team is currently one of the favorites of the professional circuit, and their support amongst the fey races of Novandria verges on the fanatical. Cricket is also a popular sport and The Shining Host, a cricket team sponsored by the Novandrian fey, are also the darlings of the professional circuit.  


It’s not uncommon for the fey to still worship the gods that brought them into existence. However, worship of other gods is very commonplace, oftentimes following the preferred gods of the local region.   For the dark fey, those gods are Caelus, Nicodemus, and Tanith; though worship of Tanith is now frowned upon even by the dark fey, kept secret by any who still follow her.   For the light fey, those gods are Eriu, Loreali, and Peitho.  

Fey in Eisen

The fey are a single group in Eisen, but some traditional holdovers apply from their time in the Faerie. Light fey tend to prefer gossip, intrigue and social games. Dark fey tend to jockey for strength among their peers in friendly competition. These are, again, traditional holdovers rather than social or cultural rules, much the same way that a family raised in “Little Italy” might have a working knowledge of catholic saints in modern America that most people do not have.   The fey certainly don’t always work as a group. Disagreements among the different groups often prevents them from finding a unified approach. On rare occasions when a city’s fey truly unify, the effects are felt throughout the region.   Bugbears, goblins, and hobgoblins were all originally one race, and family groups will commonly intermix. Bugbear and hobgoblin parents often breed true, but sometimes give birth to a goblin, and sometimes a goblin will hit puberty and become a bugbear or hobgoblin. No matter what the child is, all are treated equally as they hold the belief that each has some destiny among the clan.   Half-orcs and orcs keep one of the strongest bonds of any of the fey. Any descendant of an orc may call on another orc for assistance, no matter how distant. Half-orcs often play a critical role among their kind as spokespeople to other races, with full orcs as the strength and power behind them.   The keepers of darker fey lore are generally the Hexbloods. Young hexbloods often gravitate toward the Circle of Confidence and their clubs are also often the meeting locations for more hedonistic fey events. Older hexbloods often take to adventuring and work as ambassadors to courts in other cities.   Centaur and satyrs have created a close-knit social structure among themselves. It’s common for their families to have strong business and social ties. The children of both groups often refer to members of the other as Uncles, Aunts, or Enties.   The elves, half-elves, fairies, and changelings similarly tend to be part of the same social structure, though elves are commonly the leader of such groupings. It’s not uncommon for them to share a house even in some of the poorer parts of town. Elves and half-elves often focus on the outside world and bring income into the household, while the fairies focus on tending to the house and any gardens they might have. Changelings tend to move between the two, some going out, while others stay close and tend the children.  

Fey in Other Countries

The Kingdom of Avalon is a strong bastion of the traditionally light fey races in Europa, though not all are treated equal. Those with magical talent and magically inclined are viewed as better than their non-magical cousins. An elf mage will generally garner more respect than an elf fighter. The traditionally dark fey races find little love in the Kingdom of Avalon and very few live there. Most that do are treated as second class citizens and tend to stay toward their own small settlements. The large portion of the dark fey races in Avalon are part of a special shock troop among the Akh’Velhr. An exception is the hexblood, who have their own noble families.   Several towns exist in Castille that are primarily populated by light fey races. Duke Robintan de Amor, a half-elf poet, is one of their largest advocates. It’s said his talented tongue has often caught the queen's attention in many ways. The reputation of the dark fey races in Castille is poor and they do not receive citizenship in the country without special aristocratic patronage. Those few dark fey that live within the country are generally counted as foreigners. Despite this, it is believed the dark fey are responsible for Tanith, Goddess of Torture & Depravity’s, influence in the country.   Due to its elven roots, The Free Republic of Montaigne has a large number of light fey. Several of the noble families are elven. The changelings also play a prominent role in the county running a number of hedonistic dens which often bring them into direct competition with hexbloods that live in the country. A mostly friendly rivalry exists between the two groups. Several centaur families exist in northern Montaigne and much of the country's food comes from that region. The Free Republic of Montaigne has one of the largest dark fey populations, over half of which are hexbloods. Due to their hedonistic outlook, they have attracted many younger hexblood to their lands. The goblin, bugbear, and hobgoblin are the second most common. The towns within several key passes between Montaigne and Castille are made up primarily by dark fey.   Light fey are very welcome in Patlov. While Patlov was gaining its independence, a large number of changelings and fairies came to their aid. The changelings were actively used to scout and the fairies focused heavily on healing. Today, some of the top hospitals in the country are still run by fairies, most notably Ita Springwalker, who is said to be able to heal with a bowl of soup. The orcs and half-orcs are the most common dark fey in Patlov, due to the number of them having been mercenaries when Patlov gained its independence. Through their actions, any fey who swears loyalty to the monarchy can receive citizenship. Today, several orcish mercenary outfits operate out of Patlov, selling their services to the highest bidder.   Ruskovich has a strong elf presence due to four of the seven high families being elven. All light fey are welcome but most of the other light fey are servants and tenants of elf families. Half-elves, in particular, have a hard time here as both human and elf society believe half-elves would be best with the other side. Of the countries in Europa, the orcs have the strongest presence in Ruskovich being two of the seven ruling families of the “Winter Court”. Despite this, many of the other dark fey are treated as second class citizens, mostly living on the estates of their orc nobles as servants and peasants. Half-orcs occupy an odd outlying status, while not outright scorned, they are forced to live outside of society.   Very few light fey live in the Summerlands, with the exception of the dark elves, who used their natural affinity with darkness to help create the shroud there. Though the laws do not deny them citizenship, most of the vampire lords make it clear that they would be best living somewhere else. Vampire Lord Victoire Rosario, a former elf, welcomes any light fey only if they’re interested in becoming undead. Her wife, Carmylla, who is a lich, is believed to be one the greatest necromancers in the world, but is careful to stay within the Summerlands laws concerning necromancy. The majority of the dark fey in the Summerlands have moved to dark and lawless frontier towns on the edges of civilization. It is believed that the Vampire Lord Kephn Vellichor has spent the last century training elite hexblood assassins. To what end it isn’t known.   Vesten welcomes all who can prove their worth and light fey are no exception. Due to their natural connection to nature, they are often sought for their advice and wisdom by farmers and woodsmen. The changelings are often found among the Kin Keepers as scouts and patrol their houses' lands. Any dark fey that can prove their worth can find a home in Vesten. The Vesten values concerning family make this a popular place to settle among the dark fey. Much like Eisen, Vesten has a tradition that all of orc blood can call on each other.   The presence of light fey in Vodacce is very common and although King Midas’ court is mainly made up of halflings, several light fey have joined it since his ascension. The centaur, in particular, are popular in Vodacce and represent a large portion of the clergy in Eriu churches. Vodacce has a moderate population of dark fey. Many of the dark fey find the “armed society”, and “duel for your honor” to be appealing to them. What has kept their numbers low to date has been issues with the strictness of some of the former monarchs.

Famous Fey

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