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Akhionevah Mortem (Ah-Key-O-Neh-Vah Mor-Tem)

The End Akhionevah Mortem (a.k.a. Khione, Frozen Tear, Glacial Deity, Eden's Savior)

Divine Domains

Cryonfi: A trionfi about ice, and low temperatures.


Sirius: A sword given to Vitalis' soul.  Astral Rose: The Legendary Item that is used on the next Cryonfi descendants that contains an amount of Khione's power.

Holy Books & Codes

The End of Everything: A bible written by Khione's followers, talking about how everything will meet its end one way or the other, the best thing to do is enjoy life and make it as enjoyable as possible to everyone.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Arctox, the animal and sigil of Cryonfi.


Cryoarch, is the month where Khione is celebrated.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To stop wars and the rejoining of the Omniversals.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Created by Okami: KHIONE was given the task to end the misery of all immortal beings. While traveling through the universe, she suffered a great deal of pain from hearing the stories of those she finished, one-by-one. She remembers all of their names and stories to honor them. Khione always was best at seeing the good in people.   In the Omni Era, Khione kept looking up at Vitalis like an older brother. She grew so attached to him that she bestowed one of her blessings onto him: "Absolute Zero" (When Vitalis or any of his descedants would be in the brink of death, Khione's soul would come out and freeze everything around him, then bestow him with the ultimate sword of Khione, Sirius)


Khione considers herself as Asexual while having some odd feelings every now and then, because she can't deny having previous fantasies with Vitalis.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Khione was considered a hero across galaxies. She was the one that could end the misery of those immortal who wanted to die, while also saving those being taken advantage from those in power. She never asked to be one, but she became the hero of the universe, 'The End' she was called by those who feared her.

Failures & Embarrassments

Khione didn't help Vitalis when he first rebelled against the Universals, and that was something she deeply regretted for the rest of her life. She feared the universals more than anything, so she did so to protect Vitalis and herself, but Vitalis didn't see it that way, he felt betrayed and backstabbed. Khione would spend the rest of her time making it up to Vitalis.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • Supportive – Khione truly enjoys helping others, and she happily shares her knowledge, attention, and expertise with anyone who needs it. Khione strives for win-win situations, choosing teamwork over competition whenever possible.
  • Reliable – Rather than working in sporadic, excited bursts that leave things half finished, Khione is meticulous and careful. She takes a steady approach, ensuring that things are done to the highest standard – and often going well beyond what is required. 
  • Observant – Khione has a talent for noticing things, particularly about other people. She pays attention to the smallest details of what someone says and does, giving them unexpected insights into other people’s lives and emotions.
  • Enthusiastic – When the goal is right, Khione applies all of her gifts to something that she believes will make a real, positive difference in people’s lives.
  • Hardworking – Khione doesn't just get her work done – she takes pride in it. Khione often forms an emotional attachment to the projects and organizations that she dedicated themselves to, and she won’t rest until she's done her share – or more than her share – to be of help.
  • Good Practical Skills – Khione offers the rare combination of an altruistic nature and hard-won practicality. Khione doesn't just hope to help others. She takes action – meaning that she's more than happy to roll up her sleeves and do what’s necessary to care for her friends, family, and anyone else who needs it.

Personality Characteristics


In her unassuming, understated way, Khione helped make the universe go round. Hardworking and devoted, Khione felt a deep sense of responsibility to those around her. Khione is a true altruist, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging with the work and people she believed in with enthusiasm and generosity.

Likes & Dislikes

  • When someone dismisses her feelings.
  • Doing a sloppy job.
  • When people aren’t paying attention
  • Inconsiderate behavior or rudeness
  • Having to be in the spotlight
  • Disappointing others
  • Not taking traditions seriously
  • Conflict in their close relationships
  • Unclear expectations


  • people who are passionate and exciting
  • Share feedback in a gentle, encouraging way.
  • Having alone time to read on matters that interest her.
  • listening about other people sharing about their live experiences.
  • Being able to meet someone who will appreciate her with all her weird perks and unpopular taste.
  • Family time
  • Cuddling
  • Getting good results for something she has worked hard on

Virtues & Personality perks

Khione was known for her humility, as she rarely sought the spotlight.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Overly Humble – Khione is so concerned with other people’s feelings that she may refuse to make her thoughts known or take any duly earned credit for her contributions. And she often downplays her efforts entirely when she thinks that she could have done some minor aspect of a task better.
  • Taking Things Personally – Although she might try to hide it, Khione is deeply sensitive to others’ opinions, and she can be thrown off-balance if someone doesn’t appreciate, approve of, or agree with her. When she encounters criticism or disagreement – even if it’s well-intentioned – Khione may feel as if they’re experiencing a personal attack.
  • Repressing Their Feelings – Private and reserved, Khione tends to internalize her feelings, particularly negative ones. This can create misunderstandings in her relationships. Eventually, all of her repressed feelings and resentments may boil over in a sudden, uncharacteristic outburst of frustration.
  • Overcommitted – Khione's dutifulness can create situations where she is overwhelmed but unwilling to relax her standards or ask for help. As a result, she may suffer silently, trying to do everything herself, even when it’s simply impossible.
  • Reluctant to Change – Khione struggles the most with change. Breaking with tradition isn’t easy for her, who places great value on history and precedent. Even when change is necessary, she may wait until the situation reaches a breaking point before altering course.
  • Too Altruistic – Khione’s giving, generous nature can leave her vulnerable to being taken advantage of by others. It can be hard for her to rock the boat and stand up to someone who isn’t pulling their own weight.


Hobbies & Pets

An arctic fox, which soon became the main animal of Cryonfi.


Akhionevah Mortem

Lover (Vital)

Towards Vitalis Deus



Vitalis Deus

Friend (Vital)

Towards Akhionevah Mortem



Akhionevah Mortem

Friend (Important)

Towards Adam Deus



Adam Deus

Friend (Important)

Towards Akhionevah Mortem



Divine Classification
Deity of Eden
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The End, Frozen Tear, Glacial Deity, Eden's Savior.
Bright Cyan
Long, Slightly wavey.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Blue
Aligned Organization


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