The Sister Moons: Naariiel and Azazel Geographic Location in Terras Venrohyun | World Anvil
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The Sister Moons: Naariiel and Azazel (Nah-REE-el, A-za-el)

Terras Venrohyun is orbited by two moons that are seen almost every night. Each moon goes through the same lunar cycle at around the same time. At two times during the year, the moons pass by each other and align with the planet, once During Spring and once during Fall. Astronomers have discovered that the smaller moon, Azazel, orbits around her big sister, Naariiel. Due to observation of light reflection the moons appear to contain different minerals. Naariiel glows with a soft yellowish hue, while Azazel glows with a pale blue-green hue.


A famous Halfling bard once recounted a tale about the Twin Moons at a concert hall for the Dwarf Emperor, Uzukagi. In this bardic tale it talks about two sisters who's love for each other was so powerful that they broke the chains that bound their souls to the earth to transcend into heavenly beings. Uzukagi loved this story and from then on this tale became known far and wide, often used as a bed time story for children. The tale goes something like this:

There was once two sisters in the times of old. Born to the world by the love of the bold.


Upon their deaths of the parents did the sisters yet learn, how cruel the life cold be when their world was upturn.


Set upon by those who deeds be wrong, the sisters did fight, as they made their escape into the night.


As far as they could the sisters did run, alas however their pursuer could not be outrun.


They prayed to the stars to guide them to safety, but one of the sisters knew their foes where quite hasty.


So grabbing a stick and brandishing it at her foe, she faced them on her own and it was indeed quite a show.


Yet sadly the girl was not a fighter, all she could do was protect her sister for which she held tighter.


The one beset upon sisters where about to land the killing strike but they were meat with quite a fright, because before them now stood the lady of the night.


With one swift action did the lady did move, quickly separating the heads of the men she disapproved.


Then upon the sisters did the lady yet attend, as she took both their hands and began to ascend.


Now do the sisters yet dance in the night, as they stand above the world in the far distant height.

Planetoid / Moon


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