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Blessed Jade

This smooth, green stone is a luxury object in Terrathria, but also coveted as a way to ward off Oni, the demons of Hokkaidan myth. When the proper invocation is applied by a skilled shugenja, this jade will not degrade in the presence of maho, but continue to ward off the corrupting influence of Jigoku in perpetuity.


Material Characteristics

Jade is a rough, dense crystalline material primarily found in the eastern hemisphere of Oresis. It can be polished to a glass-like smoothness, and it usually comes in some variation of green, though yellow, orange black and white deposits can also be found on occasion. Blue is an extremely rare occurance, with only a few documented samples.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Jade is extremely tough, and resistant to breakage. It also is usually warm to the touch, and tastes vaguely of salt in its unrefined form.


Powdered jade can be mixed into the composition of a metal during forging, and can bestow its divine protection unto a suit of armor.

Geology & Geography

Jade is a naturally-occuring proxene mineral, occuring in subduction zones, where rock metamorphosizes under high temperature, but low pressure conditions. In The Kingdom of Hokkai, it has only been found in the foothills surrounding the Kanamori Mountains, such as Rojigo Village.

Life & Expiration

Though untreated jade can last for lifetimes under normal circumstances, it slowly softens and dissolves after long-term exposure to maho: a piece of jade the length of a human finger will blacken and soften over a period of five days, crumbling to dust at the end of the fifth. Ironically, this property is seen as helpful to anyone travelling through maho-tainted areas- the jade acts as a sort of natural timer, showing how long the person has to get out of the area before the corrupting influence of Jigoku begins to infect their chakras, leading to the painful and deadly Chakra Decay.   However, Blessed Jade will not degrade, regardless of how long the exposure to maho may be. It is the final word on protection against the more sinister magics of the Oni hordes.

History & Usage


Jade is sometimes called "Amaterasu's Tears," in reference to a myth about how the gemstone is actually the crystallized tears of the sun goddess. It has been, throughout Hokkaidan history, revered for its purity, and often blessed by shugenja clerics to help ward against evil.   In more recent history, the Shinobi Corps has found Oni seem to hate it, and weapons and armor made of or laced with jade are more effective against them, lending credence to the assertion that jade is indeed a divine substance.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Given that jade is a supposedly divine substance, shugenja prefer to craft holy symbols or amulets out of it. It has always been a divine material, and often associated with royalty. Emperor Hattori Hanzo sits upon a throne decorated with jade to signify that the seat of power in Hokkai has received the blessing of Amaterasu.


Jade, in its natural form, is rather rough, and must be cut and polished like any precious or semiprecious stone.


Trade & Market

Jade is prized for its use in jewelery and art, representing a level of wealth and importance in Hokkaidan society. It is mostly traded out of the imperial city of Tengoku, however there is a concerted effort by The Shinobi Corps to create a larger supply and market for the substance, as they recognize its usefulness in protecting the kingdom against the armies of Jigoku.
Varying shades of green
Common State


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