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El Alma Del Pueblo

Roughly translated to "The soul of the people," El Alma is a group of Isperian freedom fighters who battle against the tyranny of Rey Fulgencio and his Inquisition, fighting for the saftey and freedom of the populace.


While Brother Guillermo is the bankroll and the spiritual leader of El Alma, he provides a supporting role, being much to old for the usual activities of the underground.   The de facto of the group is a young man named Pedro de la Roca, a young noble whose parents support the Diozic Inquisition, but who fears for the soul of his kingdom and his people if the Inquisition is allowed to persist.   El Alma believes that the Inquisition is Rey Fulgencio's way to consolidate the power of his house, by eliminating or otherwise finanically gutting the other Isperian noble houses.


El Alma rails against the tyranny and vicious nature of Rey Fulgencio's inquisition, and fights however it can to foil its schemes and save people from its crushing grasp. They are freedom fighters, and work to better the lives of the people they fight for.

Public Agenda

The organization has publicly denounced The Diozic Inquisition as a totalitarian and immoral cult. A few major players in the Diozic church have come out publicly and said that Rey Isidore's inquisition spits in the face of the tenants of Diozism, and that his way is not the true way of their god. This has caused much social tension in the the Kingdom of Isperia.


El Alma does not have the wealth and the resources that the Inquisition possesses, but they do have the support of most of the population, who are willing to help the underground movement wherever possible. Brother Guillermo does have a small fortune that he has promised to the cause: as the only son of a wealthy family who had a vision from Dioz to give up his material possessions and become a monk, he promised his fortune to his local parish, and El Alma draws their expenses from this fund when needed.

Nuestra lucha es la correcta

Civilian, Knightly Order


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