God-King Wartface

Wartface got a hold of this article everything not in ( ) is his Writing

God-King Wartface Depresseddm

God-King Wartface

Wartface God-King and that all you need know(God-King Wartface is the God-King of the Thundering Lands Goblin Monkeys. He rules over Killfort, a crashed airship).

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Wartface is peak condition of all his people.(He is the weakest and the only over-weight of his village)(He is also covered in warts)

Facial Features

Wartface is the best looking that there ever is.(Most of their face is covered with massive warts that sometimes impede breathing, eating, and sight)

Special abilities

(Wartface is some how able to speak with and control Mold.)

Apparel & Accessories

Wartface wear very shiny crown.(The crown is made of silverware that was left in the captains quarters, the crown has been partially covered by their warts).

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wartface make grand statement to get on ship, overheard someone say ship going to jungle, think going home. Ship no go home. Steal ship, not know how work ship, crash ship. We get attacked by plant thing in bottom of ship. Wartface proudly say he go kill thing, fight very good. Wartface thrown through box head hurt tell plant thing stop, it stop. Wartface make new friend name friend Mold. Wartface emerge victorous. Become God-King that all.(The Goblin Monkeys wanted to go home. Wartface over heard a sailor the ship was going to a jungle, he thought it was their home of The Jungle of Silence. It was not. They stowed away on the ship. When it finally landed they found they were not anywhere near their home. Wartface then stole the ship, not knowing how to fly it, drove it farther into the Thundering Lands where it crashed. The rest of the Goblin Monkey said that there was a sick one of there people that died and a the plant thing popped out. Then after ten went missing it finally attacked. A few of the warriors threw Wartface into the hold to try to poison it.(They thought Wartface was toxic). There was loud noises then he walked out with a pile of vines following him. A couple of days later the ones who threw Wartface into the room were eaten by the Living Mound, that Wartface named Mold.)


Wartface gets all the s*x whenever want.(They seem to not care what they "do" this includes female and male of the species, his hand, and on more than one ocasion, after drinking fermented drink, a half eaten compy)

Mental Trauma

Wartface no like being picked up.(Presumable becuase he was thrown to the Living Mound)

Intellectual Characteristics

Wartface very smart, very large brain.(He is of below-average intelligence)

Personality Characteristics


(As vile as he can be, he seems to only want his people to survive and thrive).

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Wartface is not great at making friends.(He has a very abrasive personality)


Wartface is best smelling of all.(They smell quite bad even able to smell them from outside their room).



God-King Wartface had Mold eat tall scaly thing that was roaring.(Was a T-Rex).

Social Aptitude

Wartface has best charisma. What is charisma?(Need I say anymore)


Wartface talks about Wartface in the Third Person alot whatever that means.


(High Pitched and Gravelly)
Divine Classification
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
3592 AC
Current Residence
Not make smaller ones
God-King stop asking
(Left eye is Orange, Right eye is a Milky Orange)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
(Black fur with White tipped tails)
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Wartface knows all languages.(They in fact do not know all languages they know Goblin, Broken Aibuan, and can say words in saurian language but do not know what they mean)
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations

This article has no secrets.


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