Castle Dalibor

Across the marshes and just north of the ruined wall north of Rothfeld, Castle Dalibor sits on a bluff overlooking the marshlands. On clearer nights, and with the moon behind it, the castle can easily be seen off in the distance from Rothfeld. Unlike many of the keeps in the Mistlands, Castle Dalibor is remarkably intact and well-kept, aside from the outer walls and front gates, as the leftmost iron gate lies bent and broken as if destroyed by some massive creature. The bluff housing the castle is part of the foothills of the Karahesh mountain range.

Despite the fear and awe that any tyrant inspires, there always seems to be one general, one advisor, to whom the offer of power means nothing. They serve not because they wish to, but because they have been forced to. Kyndrithul is one such figure, a powerful vampire and current leader of House Dalibor. Though Castle Dalibor is somewhat less powerful than Bilehall, the apparent subservience it displays belies its strength. Kyndrithul is at heart an experimenter, a genius who has spent centuries mastering the various magical disciplines needed to create the perfect Reanimated servant.

As such, his estate is filled with all manner of unnatural creatures. The forests around Castle Dalibor are choked with roving packs of barghests, while bone horrors and flesh constructs shamble aimlessly in search of prey. The favorite saying of Kyndrithul, ever the pragmatist, is that all things have their use. Any heroes unfortunate enough to be taken prisoner in Castle Dalibor soon find themselves in Kyndrithul’s laboratory, and the vampire exults in figuring out new ways to mold living flesh with necromancy. His most recent experiments might be his boldest yet, infusing living flesh with the dust of Waiqar’s own Deathborn Legion. Such a crime is punishable with a fate beyond death, something terrible enough to make even Kyndrithul tremble at the thought of discovery.

Despite the immense risk associated with these experiments, he nonetheless offers Waiqar aided passage through his lands and space to establish staging points for raids into Terrinoth. While Waiqar’s Deathborn generals look upon the vampire with disgust and suspicion, Kyndrithul knows that as long as he plays the part of a humble servant, he may yet reap the rewards of his secret work.

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