Dragon Cult of Dramillion

The Dragon Cult of Dramillion is a Dragon Cult, a religious organization of fanatical followers who obey the commands and whims of a living dragon, obviously. Equally as obvious is that it is devoted to the young dragon Dramillion, a fact that is both impressive and mysterious given Dramillion's age and temperment.

Public Agenda

The Dragon Cult has waged a war on Otrin in the past few months. While it has proceeded well on many fronts, it has failed on most of their endeavors because of the Heroes of Otrin, a band of adventurers thrown together by the Baron of Otrin.


The Dragon Cult of Dramillion began in earnest only three years ago but gained exponential growth when the wizard Avozz joined the ranks as Dramillion's apprentice. The dark wizard gained knowledge, power, and access to magical secrets that he was assured Dramillion knew. Dramillion used the sheer awe inspired by the sight of Avozz under his claw to win over hordes of dark-hearted ruffians. Coupled with the undead summoned by the necromancer, the cultists from Nerekhall that they recruited, and the peasants pressed into serving Dramillion after Trogdor and his brood burned their homes, they were able to become a formidable foe against Good.

Notable Members
Related Species


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