
Centuries ago, a sorcerer desperately in need of minions used magic to twist a race of beastmen to suit his own depraved purposes. He made them smaller so they could better work in tight spaces, slashed their intelligence so they would never revolt against him, made them genderless so they wouldn’t be distracted by mating instincts, and gave them the ability to reproduce asexually so they would always have large enough numbers for their tasks. He was an exceptionally powerful magician whose intellect was matched only by his lack of foresight.

The kobolds reproduced at an astonishing rate, and they soon overwhelmed the wizard, his stronghold, and the surrounding lands. Luckily, being small and about as bright a particularly dim dog, they tend to fall prey to anything higher up on the food chain (which includes just about everything). Even so, they remain a blight on every corner of Mennara.

Occasionally, a kobold may figure out how to construct simple traps, make rudimentary weapons, or even lead a group of their fellows in some semblance of tactics, at which point a pack of kobolds can go from nuisance to menace. They carry out raids on isolated villages or farms, hunting for fresh(ish) meat, shiny baubles, and small domesticated animals.

Packs of kobolds infest the Dunwarr Mountains, and the Dwarves view them as the rest of the world does—annoying, predatory vermin. One of the Rangers' and Warriors' Guilds’ more onerous duties is kobold extermination, which usually falls on the newest members.

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Small, bestial minions for bigger, nastier creatures.

1 2 1 1 1 1
1 3 0 0
  • Skills: Brawl, Melee (Light), Skulduggery
  • Talents: None
  • Abilities:
    Not Another! In an encounter with any number of kobolds, the GM may spend hhh from any check made by a PC to add one kobold to an existing minion group, or spend d to add a new minion group of three kobolds to the encounter), Small Silhouette 0.
  • Equipment:


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