Greyhaven Plot

Tim might wish to call on his sister who attends the school for magic in Greyhaven, his old stomping grounds. Perhapes they could find a daring captain or purchase a ship to sail upriver on Katrina's Tears to head into the Mistland faster.

Plot points/Scenes

Encounter Scenes

These scenes are largely location-based and can be done in any order.

At University

The University is open to the public in theory only. The Nobles in attendance scoff or scorn anyone they feel doesn't belong. That includes adventuring types. This is a place for Mages, they'd think, not commoners.

With Old Professors

Most of Tim's old professors still teach and might spare a few minutes with him between lectures.

With Old Friends

All of Tim's old friends graduated and moved on, except maybe that one...

With Admirers

Tesselle gets admiring looks while wearing her ornate dresses, but no one approaches. Some more adventurous types might try to pet Kovu or prank Asgeir - purely in jest, they'd assure you.

With Tim's Sister

Tim's Sister isn't currently a student in the University. She left months ago, citing her research required hard proof for her thesis.

At the Inn

There are three inns in town. The Rival Bard has already hit two of them and played his versions of the songs.

Known as the Broken Phial

The Broken Phial is more of an alchemists hangout and is filled with exotic smells and strangely bubbly drinks.

With the Rival Bard

The Rival Bard is Thom Joens, a Zanagan Catfolk Minstrel who is as dangerous as he is charming and twice as good at stagework. He sings a song called Kovu Matata to the tune of Copacabana by Barry Manilow backed by an all-catfolk band. (His apprentice Bard is named Heri Meownillo

With the Barkeep/Bouncers

Known as the Mage's Hand

With the Innkeep

Known as the Gilded Rose

At the Market

The Market District is full of broad avenues and tall, three-story buildings of grey stone. Stalls are set up along the broad avenues and deliveries are force to use alleys and carts. Wagons and mounts are not permitted.

In Thordin's Fine Armors

Thordin Forgehammer is a cousin of Dain. Only sixty years older than Dain, he set out a ways before Dain left and only recently heard stories about his crazy triply-talented cousin, the "Hero of Otrin!"

In the Guildhall

The Greyhaven Guild of Artful Alchemists runs a series of stalls in the Market District to sell their wares. They'd gladly sell potions, buy ingredients and recipes, or just talk shop with a Alchemist Hero.

At the Library

At the King's Academy

Related Locations


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