
One cannot speak of Greyhaven without mentioning its hallowed university; indeed, few realize that it was the town that came first and not the other way around. Though the records of its founding are sketchy, most hold that it was Timmorran himself who founded the northern city, perhaps for refugees lost in the wilderness and those seeking to forget the horrors of the First Darkness. He may have had other reasons for picking this location, however.

The nearby confluence of two rivers as well as the town’s accessibility made it a natural trading nexus, and it grew over the years into a cosmopolitan center of learning. Legends grew around it as well, such as that the Fae were repelled by the nearby waters, or the undead could not be raised within its gates. Though never proven, these tales did draw the attention of those of an arcane bent and, as a result, the greatest university in Terrinoth was constructed here solely to study magic. Great stone halls were erected and deep dungeons were excavated for dangerous experiments, while the wisest and most prominent wizards from every court and city were recruited to become instructors and masters.

Greyhaven now boasts the foremost magical colleges in all of Terrinoth, perhaps in all the world, and its wizards are famed for their wisdom and dedication to the magical arts. The Daqan Lords draw their battlemages from Greyhaven, and most of the current knowledge of rune magic originates from it. The university also possesses the largest number of known runebound shards of any city in Terrinoth, and its mages frequently use them in their more exotic and powerful experiments.

Greyhaven boasts colleges devoted to all the arts, from history to farming to rhetoric, but most specialize in different aspects of magical lore and practice. Attending means long days of study, long nights of reading, and frequent practice sessions that only rarely lead to catastrophic explosions. Graduation, though, means recognition that can ensure a long (if dangerous) career. Even those not attending often travel here just to observe lectures and practice with adepts to gain greater understanding of their own magical items or skills.

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