Arra Geographic Location in Terros | World Anvil
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Land of Abundance

Arra is the largest continent on Terro and was created by the Sovereign of Sun and Sacrifice, Dol Arrah. The head of the Sovereign Host, Dol Arrah sought to make a large land mass where many species could thrive and lead abundant lives. Each area would be abundant in resources, but balanced with each other. To the East, are grasslands with rolling hills that inhabit cattle, temperate forests, and alpine mountain ranges. To the North, are dense boreal and taiga forests. To the West, tropical islands and arid deserts hiding the rarest jewels in all the lands. These biomes, and a host of many more in between, sprouted new and unique civilizations for centuries.   For the most of the world, it is recognized that Arra, and the other three continents, were created by the Sovereign Gods, who have since disappeared and left the various continents in the hands of other deities. Elven, Halfling, Gnomeish, Dwarven, and Orcish gods are worshipped throughout, in addition to the Ufranan Pantheon. The Triad, a group of three good-aligned gods, have held dominion over Zeclaria for centuries, and many of the elves that migrated here went on to worship them. The Ufranan Pantheon holds dominion over Ufrana, and Qasmar changes hands frequently.


The Land of Many Lands

  Arra is host to a multitude of biomes and environments. Some of the hottest and coldest temperatures are recorded in Arra, and the diverse flora and fauna are known throughout the world. It is located in the Northern Savanach Ocean, the Moringan Ocean, and the Hurez Ocean. Smaller bodies of water include the Gulf of Golcana, the Moocana Sea, The Boiling Sea, and the Whispering Bay.  

The North

  The North is dominated by conifers, and dotted with lakes, bogs, and marshes. It is populated by a limited variety of plants and animals. Before the long, snowy winter sets in, many of the mammals hibernate, and many of the birds migrate south. It is also host to a few mountain ranges and alpine environments. Long, cold winters, and short, mild, wet summers are typical of this region.  

The East

  The East is mostly temperate forests and grasslands, although there is a large section of marshes and swamps within it. It shares alpine mountain ranges with the Northern parts of Arra.  

The West

  The West is the most diverse and unusual in it's geography. There are large, arid deserts, mountain ranges, tropical coasts, volcanic islands, and shared temperate forests in the Northwest.

Fauna & Flora

Taiga & Boreal Forests

  The Taigia & Boreal forests of the North have less diversity in plant life. The most common type of tree found is the conifer (pines, spruces and firs). There may also occasionally be deciduous species present, such as oak, birch, willow, or alder, in a particularly wet or disturbed area. The soil in the taiga is thin, acidic, rocky and not very nutrient rich.   Animal populations are mainly seed-eating squirrels and jays; small mammals like ermine and moles; and larger browsing animals such as deer, moose, elk, and snowshoe hare. The typical predators for this area are grizzly bears, wolves, lynxes and wolverines.  


  Because of the blustery weather, most plants are small ground-cover plants, which grow and reproduce slowly. Some of the plants found here are tussock grasses, small-leafed shrubs, and dwarf trees.   Mostly warm-blooded animals live here, but a few types of insects also make the alpine biome of the Northeast home. Mountain goats, sheep, elk, owl-bears, beetles, grasshoppers and butterflies, are among the most common.  

Grasslands and Temperate Forests

  Most of the East and some of the West of Arra have grassland and temperate forests. There are many species of grasses that live in this biome, including, purple needlegrass, wild oats, foxtail, ryegrass, and buffalo grass. Popular flowers include asters, blazing stars, goldenrods, sunflowers, clovers, and wild indigos. The sparse temperate forests house hardwood trees (e.g., beech, maple, oak, hickory)   The abundance of grass for food, coupled with the lack of shelter from predators, produces swiftly-moving, herbivorous ungulates: bison, buffalo, deer, wild boar, and horses. Predators include owl-bears, lynx, coyotes, and foxes. It is also home to common rodents (rats, mice, gophers, etc.) and birds (robins, hawks, falcons, etc). The level grasslands closer to civilization supply corn, wheat, and other grains, and the hillier areas support domesticated ungulates: cattle and sheep.  

Desert and Chaparral

  The deserts of the West have plants such as cacti, sagebrush, and mesquite that have a number of adaptations that conserve water over long periods. Fast-growing annuals whose seeds can germinate, develop to maturity, flower, and produce a new crop of seeds all within a few weeks following a rare, soaking rain. The trees in the chaparral are mostly oaks, both deciduous and evergreen. Scrub oaks and shrubs like manzanita form dense, evergreen thickets.   Animals that live in the hot desert are cold-blooded, like snakes, insects, and lizards. Mammals that live in the desert are usually small, such as the kangaroo rat and kit fox. Animals like camels, gazelles, skinks, geckos and dikdiks roam the coastal desert. In the Chaparral areas, coyotes, jack rabbits, mule deer, alligator lizards, horned toads, praying mantis, honey bees and ladybugs can be found.

Natural Resources

Precious Rock

  In the deserts of the west, the arid deserts are hazardous for animal and plant life, but natural ores and minerals are abundant. Lead, granite, silver, copper, and gold are just some of the minerals found. Rare gems are also said to lie in mysterious caves and ravines.  

Game & Livestock

  Some areas are fruitful hunting grounds. Temperate Forests, Boreal Forests, and Grasslands provide ample game to hunt and space to breed large livestock populations. The forests are also an excellent source of lumber of most civilizations. The coasts, rivers, and lakes are teaming with schools of fish as well.  

Fertile Land

  The lakes and springs across the continent provide food and drinking water for animals and humanoids alike. The ground in many areas is fertile and rich with nutrients for crops.
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of Abundance, The Land of Many Lands, Ivaerûn, Alwafira, Erôth, Pasun-Tok, Avosdôr
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