Thyrus Settlement in Terros | World Anvil
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The city of prosperity

A Capital of the World

  Few other cities can lay claim to as diverse a population as Thyrus. Cultures from all over the world have come to Thyrus to make a better life for themselves. From Humans, Elves, Half-Orcs, Dwarves make up the majority of the population, but even races such as Tieflings and Tabaxi can be found in the lower levels of the city. Unfortunately, some races find themselves sidelined, and victim to institutions that bar them from entering just because of their background. Tieflings, Tabaxi and Lizardfolk are kept in poorer areas. Half-Orcs and Dwarves manage to work in trades and military service as well as manual labor. Elves are the ruling class, with Humans dotting each income and housing bracket.  


The Ruling Class

  Thyrus was founded by High Elves and the power has remained in their hands for centuries. The High Council allowed the city to be opened up to those of different cultures very early on, however, they never truly accepted outsiders, and created seemingly invisible barriers to keep certain kinds out of power. Their only exception was humans, as elves and humans created offspring and began mixing cultures.  

The Working Class

  Humans and Dwarves are widely accepted throughout the city. Dwarves have carved out communities in Thyrus, and create large trade and guild areas. Their expertise is craftsmanship. They have even reached high ranks within the Divine Order, albeit rarely. Half-Orcs are mostly employed as laborers and heavy lifters. There is an unfortunate stigma tied to them. Humans are found in all of these areas, and can be found working shops, serving in the army, or manning ships in the harbor. Half-lings and Gnomes are rare, but usually own small businesses.  

The Outcasts

  There are races that many deem as "monstrosities." Those with fiendish or animalistic blood such as Tiefling and Tabaxi are treated as less than. Lizardfolk, Goblinoids, Kenkus and the like are routinely discriminated against, cast out, attacked or harassed for their appearance. This sentiment infects the city as a whole, but is rarely talked about.


The Capital

  The Archduchess and Archduke, as well as the High Council, reside in Thyrus. Not only do they govern all of Zeclaria, but Thyrus as well. Much to everyone's dismay, the Council has refused to acknowledge the need of a regent of Thryus, someone to govern the city itself while the Council and Arch-duchy worry about the activities of the nation.


The Great Wall

  Thyrus is protected by a large wall with battlements on several key points. Reinforced and towering over most structures in the city, the wall has kept out potential invaders for centuries. Within the walls are Divine Order and Thyresian military strongholds, designed to reinforce the gates with manpower, and control the flow of those entering the city. Each resident is stopped at the gate and thoroughly examined for any potential threat.  

Two Armies

  As if a numerous Thyresian military members wasn't enough, the Divine Order is more than enough to bolster the force. Although poorly trained, the Thyresian military is well supplied and numerous. The Divine Order is all of those and more. Because of their status within the city, Thyresian military often finds themselves outranked by Divine Order.

Industry & Trade

Fishing and Sea Merchants

  Thyrus has an active fishing industry and a lucrative trade industry, well bolstered by the port trade district that sees hundreds of ships pass through each week. Merchants from across the world come to sell their wears for a pretty penny, prompting a booming trade business. Fisherman see wonderful returns each year from an ocean teaming with life.  

The Marketplace

  With two large, open-air marketplaces, Desperau's and Maera's, Thyrus is able to sell all types of goods for hefty amount of gold and silver coin.



  Fishhead is the port district, attracting sailors and merchants alike, attracted to the wind swept houses and bustling community. Massive Divine Order and Thyresian ships wait in the harbor for deployment, meanwhile near hundreds of trade vessels travel in and out of the port, increasing the economic prosperity of Thyrus. Fisherman and Carpenters find they will forever have a sustained business, and the sailors go on living a fulfilled life.  

Beauty of High Hill

  In the high class districts of Thyrus, the buildings stand tall with miraculous architecture. Those who consider themselves royalty, wealthy families, and guild masters, reside in the high style area. Courtyards and monuments dot the districts like fine art.  

The Underground

  Underneath Thyrus lies a vast network of escape tunnels accessible only by those in Falls Keep. They lead to every key area in the city, and were often used in evacuation scenarios.


The Carcass

  The Carcass is where all major trade, entertainment, and human services take place. It houses the second largest open air market in the city, multiple tourist attractions such as The Statue of Amras and The Colosseum. It is also home to the most popular businesses and best priced inns. The city’s security forces spend a lot of their time here due to the dense population.


A New Ruling Class

  When the Elven clans came to Zeclaria, it was inhabited by tribes. After the tribes were pushed out, the Wood Elves and High Elves had some disagreements on how to run things. The Wood Elves decided to leave the coastal territory to the High Elves while they settled deeper inland, living and communing with nature. The High Elves formed a council of elders and decided to build a great city, protected by a wall, bustling with free trade, guilds, and the like, all while being governed by the faith of their new found gods. The city quickly garnered attention from across the globe, and people of all types came to Thyrus.  

An Ancient Beast

  Before the city boomed with population and before the wall had ever been built, the High Council sought protection from potential invaders of their land. They quickly learned that the true ruler of this area was none other than an Ancient Dragon Turtle, a creature of the sea who guarded his port and ocean cave treasure. Although materialistic and brash, the Dragon Turtle, named Amras, was wise. The High Elves struck a deal with the great beast. Now, every year they are to pay tribute in hefty amounts of gold in exchange for Amras' protection.  

A Divine Intervention

  Before long, it became clear that this new city would not be sustainable if the laws could not be enforced. With the mixture of different cultures from across the land, the city soon became divided and rife with turmoil. In a misguided over-correction, the High Council sought guidance from a then emerging Holy Order of paladins, called The Divine Order of Rightful Service. The Order stepped in to create new laws and govern with a strict code of conduct. They soon outranked Thyresian military personal and got members of their Order into the High Council. Through this non-hostile take over, the Divine Order placed a strong foothold in Zeclarian politics. Violence and chaos slowed, but persecution and discrimination skyrocketed within the city.  


Colors of the Coast

  The color palette of Thyrus is largely white and blue and in the royal or high class areas. The poorer district has buildings stained by grime and dirt, creating dingy yellow and brown housing, or mostly raw material. It has a mix between Romanesque and Gothic architecture styles.  


Among the Temperate Grass

  Thyrus is located in a beautiful, luscious location with rolling hillsides, fully grown grasslands, and running streams. What use to be thick forests long ago became tamed land for Thyresians to build their walled city. It is a coastal city, with the port lying in the South Savanach Ocean, to the East. To the West are dense forests and trees, while the North is stacked tall with a snowy mountain range.  

Natural Resources

A Land of Abundance

  Thyrus' coastal foundations allow for a robust fishing economy. The forests are rich with game and quality lumber, while the mountains hold hosts of large silver deposits.
A map and key of the city
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
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