Sangurim Character in Tersupra | World Anvil
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Lord Sangurim of Morray

I will not die! Never!
  Sangurim was an infamous and widely feared sorcerer. Though he was once renowned for his advancements in the field of magic, he quickly became obsessed with dark magic and immortality - corrupting the once benevolent wizard into a monster.   He was known for residing within a supernatural tower, crafted when he was a young man with his astonishing abilities. Though from the outside the building appears as a thin tower, it is far larger on the inside; providing an infinite amount of room for the sorcerer's endless unethical experiments.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sangurim was born in 1095 to unknown, likely poor parents. The child was abandoned outside the Monastery of the Shadow Monks, and was adopted by one of the monks. The monks quickly realised the child did not have the innate ability to become a Shadow Monk, so they taught him all they knew of dark magic in order to keep him occupied.   It was immediately clear that Sangurim had a natural talent for dark magic. On his 12th birthday, he said farewell to the Shadow Monks and went to the arcane college in Morray to learn more about the art of sorcery. The teachers there were astonished at his ability, and Sangurim quickly became one of their most promising students. Sangurim left the college at the age of 18, having learnt all they could teach him.   For the next few years, he travelled the continent. Learning all he could about magic and working for a myriad of people. It was during his travels that he discovered an extremely rare and remarkably difficult field of magic - dimensional sorcery. He met the sage Torvall, one of the few old elven sages left alive. Torvall took Sangurim on as a pupil, teaching him everything about dimensional magic.   After many years learning under Torvall, Sangurim left the sage and returned to Morray. With his knowledge of dimensional magic, Sangurim constructed the legendary tower of Buradaku. Buradaku was a work of arcane art, an imposing tower on the outside that concealed a never-ending expanse of rooms and laboratories within, for the tower was simply a gate to the rooms that were located in a separate plane of reality.   Sangurim became a famous and renowned sorcerer, ingratiating himself with the upper class of Morray by holding extravagant banquets in the tower. He continued to study magic, crafting several new spells that were named after him - such as Sangurim's Thunder. His banquets became legendary as nobles from all over Ang'teng flocked to Buradaku to enjoy his parties.   Around 1135, many of those at the parties noticed that Sangurim was starting to look quite ill - constantly coughing and often absent from his own banquets. It was around this time that Sangurim received some bad news, he was suffering from an extremely rare and incurable disease that would eventually kill him.   In a desperate attempt to survive, Sangurim visited every sorcerer he knew in search of immortality. But even the sage Torvall, who himself had lived for well over five centuries, had no cure for the disease and no recipe for immortality.   It was then that Sangurim turned to unethical approaches.   Partygoers would mysteriously disappear from the banquet. Visitors would enter the tower and never again leave. For deep in the bowels of Buradaku Sangurim was experimenting on the essence of life, draining all lifeforce from his captives and teleporting their mutilated bodies far away to hide all evidence. However, his efforts amounted to nothing - he could find neither a cure for his disease or a method of achieving immortality.   It was then that he met Kolthazar. Kolthazar was a Vampire, a species known for having near-immortal lifespans. Sangurim begged the vampire to bite him. But, as Kolthazar explained, contrary to popular belief the bite of a vampire would not turn one into a vampire.   But Kolthazar did mention an ancient, dangerous method of turning oneself into a vampire. By capturing the lifeforces of people and combining it with the blood of a vampire, one could pervert one's own life energy turning you into a vampire. It was dangerous and untested, but Sangurim tried it.   And so, in 1140, the last banquet of Buradaku was held. Noblemen flocked to the party, ready to enjoy the delights of the meal.   The doors shut behind them, and there was no food on the table.   Sangurim cast a spell, rendering the entire group unconscious, and took them to his laboratory. He chained them to the wall and extracted close to a hundred souls - killing all the partygoers and trapping their lifeforce. Sangurim combined the lifeforce with a vial of Kolthazar's blood, and drank the concoction.  
We all heard the scream that night, echoing across Morray. Those near the sorcerer's tower said a crimson red moon rose behind it, illuminating Buradaku in the colour of blood.
  Sangurim had achieved his goal, he had become a vampire and achieved immortality. But the concoction had not worked smoothly, the sorcerer's mind was irreparably damaged. He teleported his tower to a remote island, continuing his work in a state of insanity for years. People avoided the island, believing it to be haunted.   Eventually, the elven sage Torvall was sent to kill Sangurim. Torvall found his former pupil crouched in the corner of a ruined study - vials and potions spilt across the floor. Sangurim leapt to attack Torvall in an animalistic frenzy, Torvall quickly killed him with an ancient spell - instantly tearing the life from the once renowned sorcerer.
1095 AE 1151 AE 56 years old
Circumstances of Death

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