Marcus the Unbreaking, Duke of Murton Character in Tertara | World Anvil

Marcus the Unbreaking, Duke of Murton

The Hammer of Heathens, The King of the Lone State of Murton, The Scourge of Undeath. The Rival of the Crypt Lands

Hail to the hammer of the undead, for Murton is ruled by the great Marcus the Unbreaking. Hailing from the influential Delmirev clan, which has said to live in Murton for as long as the land of Murton has stood, Marcus is a proud ruler of the flat plains of Murton. Working his way up from lesser nobility, he eventualy was able to marry his way into the ruling dynasty of Murton, much to some of the grumbling of his clan. Either way, it is under his rule that Murton has been able to survive as it has, though it is a tenious position at best. Under him he has sent thousands of men to fight and die in wars and the Crusade of Light, and under him his armies fight still, though incredibly scatterted and stretched oh so thin. He is known as an uncomprisming man, and a shrewd tactitian more than a skilled statesman. When the Treaty of Ashes was signed, Marcus was the one who helped rouse the crowds with talks of the king being a heretic and demon child, which in turn led to him declaring Murton as an independant nation in the Civil War. So he fights still, never gaining an edge due to how war stricken his land is. Currently he is dealing with raids upon his territory both from his Ashenfeld neighbhors and from the undead that occasioanlly poke at prod at the defensive lines of Murton.
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