Murton Organization in Tertara | World Anvil



While the Church has its headquarters in Aramoor, it also has a grand temple in the lands of Murton. This makes sense, as the people of Murton are notoriously some of the most faithful of the entire nation. This does typically give them the reputation as bull-headed firebrands, with some joking that they have Diosian blood in them. This is partially true, as Murton has the most witch burnings, witch hunters, and independent vampire hunters then any other province. Due to their faith, they hate magic in almost all forms save for the obviously blessed holy magic. As such, there is no magical academy within the lands of the Murnian's and magic users would do best to keep to themselves lest the crowd be "overly zealous" on a particular evening.   For as long as the Murnian's can remember, they have been the wall that kept Ashenfeld safe from the west. They have endured countless invasions by tribals, orcs, and undead monsters. As such they have a very special hatred for anything undead or relating to that dark magical practice. They also have developed a sense of pride in their land, and the countless who have given their lives in its defense. They see it that the rest of the kingdom owes them for their entire ancestral lines being sacrificed to defend the land, and that the other people's of the nation do not give them the respect they deserve. They are also highly intolerant of waste in all sorts, and as such most of their buildings have none of the fancy ornamentation that can be seen in other kingdoms. Dreary stone walls and castles with little fancy engravings dot the land, and as such they can be seen as a dour and superstitious people. However in truth, the Murnian's are cool under pressure, not prone to bouts of self assured grace, and particularly able to turn a barren land into one of the most fortified defenses that can be seen. They are thrifty in getting everything they need out of as little resources as possible, and they have one of the most famous schools of engineering, where the Artificers try their hand at new inventions everyday. They are also well known for having the most gunpowder weaponry then the rest of the kingdom, with their cannons constantly being said to roar day and night against those monsters that would threaten them.


For as long as people can remember, the land of Murton was always plagued by war. The original peoples to settle the land were the tribes of Murgonians, who made their home along the great riverways. They were always plagued by raids from the Vonigon tribes to the west, and the orcs from the hollow thicket. This quickly resulted in a war like culture to form amongst the people, with them building fortifications to protect themselves. These communal people were actually one of the later tribes to join Heymon, due to being busy dealing with these raids. Heymon was said to have approached their main settlement that was under siege by orcs, and single handedly broke the siege. With that, the Murgonians offered themselves to Heymon, for he heralded a new and beautiful faith, that of the Flame. So enamored with this religion that when the church fully formed when Heymon disappeared, the Murgonians set up a large torch in the center of their new capital of Murton, that is so large it can be seen for miles to this day.   The Murnians for the first time in a long time, knew a semblance of peace. The raids from the Vunao kingdom mysteriously stopped, and after the Green War, orc activity slowed. The people became comfortable and decadent, seeking to simply enjoy their position, surrounded by rich river ways and forests. That was until the deadlands formed proper, and dread tales of travelers being attacked by undead monsters and other creatures began to spread. This caused panic, and as a result brigands and riots would begin. That was until the Duke at the time, one Edgar Whitely, beseeched the Church for assistance. The Church graciously accepted, and begun to help brutally suppress all riots and disruptive elements of society. They whipped the citizens up into religious fervor, and from then on the Church has had an incredibly strong foothold in Murton due to the faith of the populace.   Since the horrid Crusade of Light, instead of losing faith, the Murnian faith has only quadrupled in its strength. With the civil war raging, the bishops in Murton have begun rousing the populace to action, that these pretender vassals are devils in mortal clothing, and that King Colart is a heretic for even accepting the Treaty of Ashes. That they must purify the land, and Flame willing, bring about a new order where the faithful shall truly prosper, as a true beacon amidst a sea of sin. However such rousing has some worried that they may be stretched too thin, and their defenses to protect against a possible attack from the Deadlands may not be strong enough. That, coupled with the rampaging orc attacks, and brigand raids, means Murton is in a truly perilous state.

Foreign Relations

"There is no saving that land of twats, damn Murian's. Land is in almost as sad of a state as the bloody deadlands, and don't let their constant preaching fool ya. They preach chastity but i even seen bishops inventing new bloody positions in the whore houses!" -Mary Hunter, Collander Bounty Hunter   "Went to Murton once, interesting place but it was so sad. Cities looked as dead as a graveyard, not to mention the people. Still though, they pay good money, and there aint a better place to get experience killing monsters and brigands then any other place, besides back home of course." -Marino Ziani, Arditàn Sellsword     "Repent!! Repent children, for the Flame has found us wanting! Only those still worthy, and faithful will be spared, so prostrate yourself before the cross, and then take up righteous vengeance against those that do blaspheme against the Light. Go fourth, and burn!!" -Adele Brentwood, local Street Preacher
Hailing from the western most portion of Ashenfeld, the Murian people have an absolutely zealous hatred for all things undead. They also have a strong dislike of magic users and others who use magical abilities, unless they are ordained clerics and paladins of the church. Most others see them as superstitious firebrands within the kingdom, but others view them as their first line of defense, and a convenient buffer between them and the Deadlands.
Capital Murton
Geopolitical, Province
Murgundian, Murnian
Parent Organization