The Legion of the Ram Military Formation in Tertara | World Anvil

The Legion of the Ram

For as long as the inhabitants of Murton can remember, they have always needed to defend themselves from foreign invasion. The Murnian land is flat, and though it is mostly dry plains across the land, the hot spots of fertile land are bountiful indeed. THe Vunao Kingdom was historically the greatest enemy of the early Murnians, and so it can be argued the Legion of the Ram was the first and oldest legion to ever exist in Ashenfelds history. Some believe they took inspiration from the Dwarves who used rams and goats as cavalry, and though they do not have such creatures they mounted horns upon their helmets so that even if disarmed they have a weapon to fight with. The Legion of the Ram is one of the most veteran units at Ashenfelds disposale, having formed the bulwark that stood between the undead and the rest of the world. Even as the Vunao Kingdom finally fell, the Ram stood watch for it knew the fight wasn't over. When the dead began marching out of the swamps, the Ram stood ready, and even as the fires of civil war burn the nation to the ground, the Ram rears its head in a roar of defiance. Though they are mighty, they have been spread dangerously thin, as the commander (Lord Commander Andriet the Iron) and the Duke of Murton can spare precious few warriors away from the many towers and walls blocking the path to the deadlands. This has led to bandits and beasts to roam the land, but the Ram fights on. Even in hopeless last stands, the training of the Ram lets it be that they would gladly die in hopeless last stands if it means spiting their enemy.



Though they are meant to be large in scale, the sheer amount of lossess means the force is rarely at maximum strength.


The Legion is led by one Lord Andriet the Iron , who like the other legions oversees a council who help him lead the legion.