
The Aurors are the greatest collections of criminal investigators in the known world. They operate in teams of five and have been known to be devastating in combat when they are needed. However, should one encounter an Auror in combat, the Auror would consider it a failure on their part.
The Aurors have been on a mission since their founding, though they are highly secretive about what it is., most assume it is the betterment of Dirillium and The Alliance though the Maester's Guild speculates this is not the case.
They are chosen from the most elite and skilled Spectre, usually when the Spectre stumbles upon the secret themselves.
They are most well known for their ability to combat magic and psionics, though no one knows where the mysterious Order gets their training. They work closely with The Lasting Vault and some have speculated they are the fighting order of the Grand Sage.


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