Else Callers

The Final Empire emphasizes order and rules, but wherever there is Order, Chaos will soon follow. This is where the Else Callers come in. Originally, these devoted members to The Child broke from the Star, as a God of Chaos wouldn’t work with the rest of The Eight. In the initial split, these heretics were called the Weavers of the Moon, but as their mysticism delved deeper into the strange and dangerous, "Else Callers" was determined to be more appropriate. And, as the Elsecallers, would say, "It's much more fun."
  The Else Callers are less of a church and more of an ongoing cult, devoted to a deity.
  These mystics have been hunted throughout every civilized place on Terusha, however, they keep popping up. Whenever a mass purging has been arranged, the Elsecallers fight back with viciousness.


They are not typically organized as a group, more of several individuals who all worship Lady Alabaster and are given rank by the White Lady herself. Rank is denoted by the number of crescent moons tattoos.
Title Rank
Trickster 3rd Crescent Moon
Prankster 2nd Crescent Moon
Chosen 1st Crescent Moon

Mythology & Lore

According to the Elsecallers, there were once three moons of Terusha. The third moon, however, became bored and fell to the land. The moon dubbed herself Lady Alabaster. When Lady Alabaster came across an abused wife, she suggested the woman leave or kill her husband, as long as she stays true to herself. Lady Alabaster wandered the land for three years, spreading chaos into the world and helping people learn to define themselves and be proud of themselves.

Divine Origins

Maesters insist that this religion, or cult, first appeared during the religious oppression of the Octavian Dynasty. Several followers of the Child broke from the star and began to exclusively worship the Child as a God of Chaos. Cynical Maesters maintain that a natural extension of this obsession with chaos extends to moon-worship and witchery.

Tenets of Faith

Elsecallers believe in Trickery and Dishonesty for the sake of Trickery or Dishonesty. They don’t believe trickery should hurt people, but it should be disruptive to remind people that community is fragile. In particular, the powerful should always be messed with to remind them that power does not come without cost. Which is not to say, they are altruistic; many are selfish rogues that use Lady Alabaster’s religion to justify their actions.
The Weavers are also known for delving for secrets, whether it’s a false bottom of a drawer hiding a liquor bottle or a secret mistress or where a secret key could be. They use this to blackmail, deceive, bribe or just generally annoy those who want to keep the secrets safe.
There is also an aspect of the Else Callers that focus on lycanthropy, madness, and magic. These view Lady Alabaster as more of a mother figure and an inspiration.


The best way for a member to worship Lady Alabaster is to be themselves, and maybe a small prayer during a full moon. Elsecallers have a deeply personal relationship with Lady Alabaster.

Granted Divine Powers

Elsecallers have access to the Trickery, Arcana and Twilight domains.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Elsecallers do not engage in politics, they tear it apart. They are individuals first and last, and are rarely interested in furthering their "church's" interests, they are only interested in furthering their own; should that coincide with other Elsecallers, so be it.


The two primary sects are the Chaos Lovers and the Moon Mystics.
The Chaos Lovers are far more common and seek to spread chaos; Moon Mystics devote themselves to magic and are more common in elven communities.
Religious, Other
Alternative Names
Weavers of the Moon
Common Sayings:
  • You Can Always Trust a Dishonest Man to be Dishonest
  • There's Always Another Secret
  • This is Either Brilliant or Madness
  • Chaos is a Ladder
  • I Aim to Misbehave
Colors: Dark Blue and White


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