The Moondancer - Redo

There were once three moons of Terusha. The third moon, however, became bored and fell to the land. The moon dubbed herself Lady Alabaster. When Lady Alabaster came across an abused wife, she suggested the woman leave or kill her husband, as long as she stays true to herself. Lady Alabaster wandered the land for three years, spreading chaos into the world and helping people learn to define themselves and be proud of themselves.

Lady Alabaster is depicted as a 5 foot tall youthful, ageless, female elf clad in a diaphanous gown, that looked like it was made of moonbeams. 
The Lunar Lady is a very protective deity towards elves, halflings, and orphans. She sent omens to keep her people from danger and crafted illusions around devoted elven cities.
As a general rule, she does not speak in a direct manner. Instead, she relies on dreams, visions, etc. to relay information.

Divine Domains

Lady Alabaster is the Goddess of the Moon, Shadows and Witchery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Moon symbols are commonly associated Lady Alabaster.

Tenets of Faith

Lady Alabaster encourages individualism, self expression, exploration and magic.


Each full moon is a Holy Day, but when both moons are full is called The Eyes of Night. This most holy of days is celebrated with mass thefts, pranks and debauchery.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Lady Alabaster seeks for the very edge of sanity to be tested, never crossed over, but to be tested.
Divine Classification


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