
The Greenmother has no beginning. She has existed for as long as Terusha has existed. She is in every tree, flower, hill and blade of grass. She is a loving deity and wishes to nurture and feed the world.
She is often depicted a matronly woman with natural items forming and creating her features.

  Some describe the Greenmother as being wild and unpredictable, much like nature itself. While others describe her as matronly, protective and patient. She is chiefly concerned with nature, in its natural beauty, fierce savagery, tamed agriculture and undeniable beauty. Caring very little for maintaining a proper balance with civilization, being wrathful towards those who threaten wild places.

  When it comes to nature, she cares greatly for maintaining a balance between growth and decay, water and drought, fire and ice — the natural cycle of life.
  She harbors a special hatred for those who use fire carelessly or with deliberate intention to cause destruction.
  She has two aspects, the Wild Lady or the Eternal Matron:
As the Wild Lady, she is depicted as a wild hunter, draped in vines, leaves, wood and stone. She is a vicious and deadly defender of the forests.
As the Eternal Matron she is depicted as a curvaceous woman made of green moss, blossoming fruit and waterfalls. She is loved by the peasants of Terusha for her bountiful harvests.

Divine Domains

The Greenmother is the Goddess of Mercy, Plants, the Forests, and Agriculture.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Greenmother is most commonly associated with tree imagery.

Tenets of Faith

The Greenmother teaches benevolence and compassion. The Greenmother teaches that kindness, while a fine goal, is not how the world is, or even should be. “If the forest were kind, all would have light and none would eat.”
Growing and reaping are part of the eternal cycle and the most natural part of life. Destruction for is own sake and leveling without rebuilding are anathema. Let no day pass in which you have not helped a living thing flourish. Nurture, tend, and plant wherever possible. Protect trees and plants, and save their seeds so that what is destroyed can be replaced. See to the fertility of the earth but let the human womb see to its own. Eschew fire. Plant a seed or small plant at least once a tenday.
Divine Classification


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