Order of Thorns

The Order of Thorns is a covert brotherhood of woodsmen intent on protecting the wilderness and its wildlife. It is not the peaceful, passive order that the Greenmother's clerical order is. The Order of Thorns, actively attacks the people over logging the woods, polluting the rivers, or over hunting. The Thorns have a vicious habit of making an example of those they attack.
Thorns have been called battle-druids, though there are few druids within their ranks, and the organization rarely has more than 50 people in any given area. They can be found on most wilderness frontier towns. Notably the Cloudwood and the Deepwood are most notorious.


Thorns operate as individuals and only are recognized as individuals. There are rumors of a grandmaster running the Thorns, and coordinating the assaults, though there have never been any confirmed evidence of this.


It is unknown what if any assets are possessed by the Order of Thorns.


As society pushed into the forests of Terusha, it was only a natural consequence that some would push back. The Order of Thorns are those that push back. Despite numerous efforts to destroy the order


The Thorns understand that all peoples need to utilize their environments, but certain peoples, like the Imperials, or the dwarves, destroy their environment at will. At best, the Thorns try to restrain the growth of society, at worst, they burn and destroy an offending town.
Secret, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
Thorns, Wood Demons
Training Level


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