
The Star's hatred of unlicensed magic spawned the nightmarish creatures known as Inquisitors.
Inquisitors prowl the countryside looking for heretic clerics and druids, unlicensed wizards, and demon worshipping warlocks. Though they appear to possess special disdain for sorcerers. Inquisitors are unwelcome most places they go, due to their horrifying appearance. Lords of the Empire are required to offer lodgings to wandering Inquisitors, however, they are openly feared by the populace at large. They are seen as agents of the Star's wrath and are not to be bothered or inconvenienced in any way. There are stories told of the deadly  They operate as loners and only rarely meet one another.

The most prominent feature of an Inquisitor is is the two large spikes nailed points-first through their eyes and out the back of their head. It is rumored that they have further nails in their bodies elsewhere, including through the heart. No one outside the order knows how they survive the nails.
These nails somehow grant the former humans incredible abilities, and does not hinder their ability to see.
Inquisitors are terrifying in battle, though they are not fielded during any engagments.


Each Inquisitors gains rank by adding spikes to their bodies. For each 10 mages captured, a new spike is added. To the world at large, they are all Inquisitors. However, internally there are separate ranks.
Rank Honorific Spikes
Grand Inquisitor Grand Inquisitor 19
Executioner Inquisitor 17
Prosecutor Inquisitor 15
Examiner Inquisitor 13
Accuser Inquisitor 11
Agent Inquisitor 9
Investigator Inquisitor 7
Hunter Inquisitor 5
Military, Special Operations Force
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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