Miller's Guild

The millers and millwrights have one of the most important guilds, with a monopoly on the ownership and operation of all mills and milling. Local lords have, from time to time, attempted to usurp the millers’ rights by building their own mills, but masons will not construct them and millers refuse to operate them.
Virtually all manors and villages have at least one mill. Most are water-powered, but wind and muscle power (usually that of animals) drive about 15% of all mills. Mills are generally owned by the guild and awarded as franchises to freemaster millers, who pay 20% (rather than the standard 10%) dues. Each mill pays an annual tax of around 240gp to the local fiefholder or landlord. A freemaster miller generally retains 5–15% of the grain he grinds, most of which he sells to mercantylers. 
Mills may be used to grind and press nuts and seeds. Some millers even operate commercial ovens and sell baked goods, but this is not a monopoly of their guild.
An important guild specialty is that of millwright. These are engineers familiar with the construction, operation, and maintenance of large machinery. Most millers have some understanding of the operation of heavy equipment but it is typically a function performed by masters who specialize in this activity. Some master millwrights are employed to build, run, and maintain heavy machinery such as derricks, drawbridges, and gates.
Guild, Craftsmen


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